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Lodz University of Technology has received funding of EUR 1,164,770 (over PLN 5 million) for the implementation of four international projects in the Erasmus+ programme under Action 2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education. They concern the development of innovative educational activities, including a significant use of virtual reality.

Improving student well-being

The main objective of the VRXanny project (Virtual reality for anxiety and mental stress reduction in university students) is to improve the well-being of students suffering from acute, episodic and chronic stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms. For this purpose, so-called chill spots will be created, where students will be able to relax (for example before an exam) in a virtual environment.

- Lodz University of Technology and its partner universities - University of Łódź, Portuguese Universidad de Vigo and Finnish Tartu Ulikool - will be the first universities in the world to implement such a solution, says Dr Eng. Dorota Kamińska, coordinator of the project.

Sustainable textiles

Currently, the textile and clothing industry is the second most environmentally damaging industry (right after the fuel industry). The GreenTEX project (Sustainable Design and Process in Textiles for Higher Education ) responds to the needs of contemporary education and labour market, filling the gap in knowledge and activities in the area of Sustainable Textiles.

As Dr Monika Malionowska-Olszowy, says, The materials prepared will not only contain concrete solutions, but will also show a whole series of possibilities of sustainable actions, which can be used in the educational process and in business.

Lodz University of Technology will implement the project in cooperation with universities from the Czech Republic, Portugal, Croatia and Lithuania.

Geometry and virtual reality

The ability to perceive, analyse and create new objects in space is crucial for mathematics education, but not only. The Math3geovr (Mathematical models for teaching three-dimensional geometry using virtual reality) project will prepare modern educational tools for teaching three-dimensional geometry using VR technology.

- Preliminary pilot research works have shown that their application significantly increases the level of understanding and overall effectiveness of education, says Dr Jacek Stańdo, TUL Prof., coordinator of the project.

The partners of Lodz University of Technology are universities in Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia and the University of Silesia.

ICT in teaching material engineering

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed Europe-wide problems in transforming traditional forms of teaching into digital equivalents. The DigiMat (Excellence for digital education in materials engineering) project aims to improve teachers' competences in conducting online courses/projects, while supporting student involvement, motivation and creativity.

- First of all, scenarios for remote classes related to materials engineering will be prepared, which will be implemented on a specially dedicated digital educational platform - informs Dr Eng. Krzysztof Jastrzębski, from the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering.

The project will be implemented in cooperation with universities from Finland, the Czech Republic and Greece.