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Lodz University of Technology is the leader of a project implemented together with business partners from Poland and Turkey. The aim of the consortium is to develop a home-based wind turbine capable of cooperation and integration with other Renewable Energy Sources.


The project, with a total budget of more than 300 thousand euros, was awarded in a competition organized by the National Centre for Research and Development and the Turkish Council for Scientific and Technological Research.
The consortium includes Lodz University of Technology, Polish energy related companies Enerwis and Ergos, and Turkish start-upDevecitech, creator of the Enlil smart turbine.  

Michał Lipian, PhD from the Institute of Turbomachinery explains

— It is the Turkish wind turbine Enlil that is the starting point for our innovative and high-performance wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation, which we called Ninlil.  The turbine will be adapted for urban and suburban applications, generating energy not only by natural winds, but also by means of winds produced by, for example, the movement of vehicles. Asked where such a name for the new construction corresponds - theMesopotamian wind god Enlil, in honour of whom the Turks named their turbine, had a consort Ninlil.  And it was from her that we took the name of the project “improving” the original machine.

Stanowisko badań małych turbin wiatrowych na dachu budynku IMP

The tasks in the project are strictly defined, according to the experience and knowledge.

— Lodz University of Technology will design a generator for the turbine being developed and will conduct tests of the turbine prototype in urban conditions.  Ergos will develop control and automation systems tailored to the needs of the machine under development and Enerwis will be responsible for ensuring that the prototype developed meets the requirements market for energy from renewable sources and cooperation with external partners — explains Dr Lipian.

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL and Head of the Institute of Turbomachinery adds

— I am pleased that the university has obtained so many ecological projects in recent times.  Prosumer microenergy is becoming increasingly important, which is why it is so important to accelerate its development. The ambition of the team designing the backwater wind turbine is to bring the structure to such a level of technological readiness that will allow to start the process of certification of the machine in order to bring it to the market.

The Institute of Turbomachinery is the “home” of another project related to small turbines using wind energy. It is here that the GUST team designs and develops the design of a small backboard wind turbine, but with a horizontal axis of rotation, winning top places in international competitions gathering teams from leading European research centres in this subject.