The project involves the development of an educational method that will prepare students for creative work involving a collaborative cycle of creating a unique art and design product. Going through the whole path will make the students aware of the real conditions of their future work and will encourage them to their own entrepreneurship.’ explains dr Marta Miaskowska, the coordinator of the project from the Institute of Architecture of Textiles at the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design.
The “Project-Product-Promotion. International Collective for Design” project was awarded under the Erasmus+ programme. Lodz University of Technology invited the Turkish Eskisehir Osmangazi University and the Portuguese Centro de Investigacao e Formacao em Artes e Design, a centre for research and training centre for art and design, to cooperate. Two-week workshops will be held in each partner country, successively in Portugal, Poland and Turkey. Their participants will invent, design and prepare the entire identification, promotion and sales system together.
The supporting institution for the non-EU project is American College for Creative Studies z Detroit.