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Lodz University of Technology is implementing and coordinating two new projects from the Erasmus+ programme.


The first of the HEART projects is being implemented with institutions from Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Bulgaria. The project foresees activities targeting several groups related to adult education, primarily their teachers and professionals working with adult learners with disabilities, looking for innovative tools and supporting technologies. An international network of experts will also be established to mentor people from the above mentioned groups and university researchers working in the field of educational robotics.

A complementary in the area of school education is project Ready, Teady, Go! In this case, the activities are addressed to children with special educational needs aged 9-14, their tutors and broadly defined educational centres and NGOs. In addition to the e-platform with training courses, the project will result in a mobile application with the avatar of the Teady bear supporting children's learning.
The partners of Lodz University of Technology are institutions from Poland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania.