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The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) has positively assessed the Computer Science field of study at Lodz University of Technology as well as it has awarded the prestigious Certificate of Excellence in Education.  

As the Vice-Rector for Education dr. hab. inż. Andrzej Romanowski, assoc. prof.

- The Certificate awarded to us means that we have joined the elite group of universities distinguished in this way. To receive it, one must not only meet the conditions for a positive assessment, but also ensure higher standards by introducing exemplary practices. PKA awarded the certificate in the category "Partner for development - excellence in cooperation with the social and economic environment". This means that Lodz University of Technology, while shaping a programme for future IT graduates, i.e. in a field that is developing very fast, keeps up with changes, among others thanks to very good cooperation with companies and entrepreneurs. Thanks to this, our students also have the opportunity to practice by working on projects carried out in the IT industry. By introducing innovative programs, such as Human-Computer Interaction - the newest course in the second cycle of studies, we also benefit from the experience of experts from world leaders - companies and universities - so that our students can stay up to date with the latest technologies.

The Dean of the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering,  dr hab. inż. Jacek Kucharski, assoc. prof. adds:

- This is an extremely high grade - the first accreditation with distinction in the history of the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering - is not only the effect of the effort and care for the quality of education of the persons involved in Computer Science field of study, but also the consequence of good functioning of the whole Faculty.  I would like to emphasize that computer science accreditation was the first at Lodz University of Technology to be conducted remotely and despite its unusual character it was carried out flawlessly, in a very good atmosphere and extremely efficient organization.

The Education Quality Certificates are awarded by PKA to those fields of study which introduce effective, innovative and exemplary solutions concerning the quality of education at the university.