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In the new edition of the Erasmus+ programme for activities with non-affiliated (non-EU) third countries, Lodz University of Technology will receive funding to carry out exchanges with universities in 18 countries on almost all continents.


Students and doctoral students will be able to study for a minimum of three months at a chosen university or complete an internship abroad, while university staff will be able to participate in week-long training and research trips. Partners include universities in countries such as Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador and the United States.

The total amount of funding for the project, which will start in the new academic year and last for three years (2022-2025), will be around €245,000. This is almost €60,000 more than in the previous edition.

As the Head of of International Cooperation Center, Prof. Dorota Piotrowska, emphasises

- Gaining new opportunities for cooperation with non-EU countries is also an opportunity to invite to Lodz University of Technology lecturers who initiate active educational methods in their countries.