List of projects implemented under the programs of the National Science Centre:
AIR - Analogue Intelligent chip for short and middle range Radar signal processing.
In-situ study and numerical modeling of symmetric and asymmetric bulk material flows in silos using X-ray tomography.
Discrete PID type control of non-integer order variables.
Modeling of thermal phenomena in electronic nanosystems.
Innovative system for evaluation and rehabilitation of human imbalance (InnoReh).
Opracowanie optycznego systemu podgrzewania podłóż wykorzystywanych w spintronice.
Opracowanie systemu modułowych zaawansowanych stanowisk zrobotyzowanych ze zintegrowanym transportem międzystanowiskowym.
Wpływ wilgotności powietrza na proces chłodzenia układów elektronicznych.
Wykorzystanie warstw konwerterów energii w nowych rozwiązaniach dla ogniw fotowoltaicznych.
Zarządzanie pracą sieci dystrybucyjnej niskiego napięcia z uwzględnieniem aktywnej roli prosumenta.
Zastosowanie metod fizyki komputerowej do badań wpływy defektów strukturalnych na własności struktur SiC przyrządów półprzewodnikowych z węglika krzemu.
List of projects implemented under the programs of the National Centre for Research and Development:
Functional hybrid composites with designed properties.
Remote mobile biometric authentication system using non-specialized mobile devices.
List of projects implemented under the programs of the European Regional Development Fund.
Next-generation industrial tomography platform for process diagnostics and control.
Developing a new optimized from the point of view of power loss design high speed three phase induction motors used in industrial drives.
Intelligent Recommendation Engine for Digital Marketing Platforms.
PIONIER-LAB - National Platform for Integration of Research Infrastructures with Innovation Ecosystems.
PolFEL - Polish Laser on Free Electrons.
PRACE-Cooperation in Advanced Computing in Europe - PRACE LAB.
Retrofit* of a vacuum DC ultra-high-speed switch for combined trains, EMUs and electric locomotives. *Generic retrofit for new technical, operational quality and market competitiveness, (introducing hybridization, modularization, special functions and switch adaptability for new requirements of domestic and foreign users).
Personalized protective thermally active clothing.
Systemy hybrydowe do konwersji energii słonecznej.
Środowisko inteligentnych, rozproszonych systemów sterowania w biznesie i przemyśle.
"TOMOCON" Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control.
Device for non-invasive monitoring and diagnosis of functional disorders of the lower urinary tract.
List of projects implemented under the European Union program:
ASM Smart Data System (ASM SDS) – Badania nad systemem gromadzenia, przetwarzania i dystrybucji danych z wykorzystaniem algorytmów uczenia maszynowego do modernizacji procesów realizacyjnych i zarządczych oraz wdrażania nowych i zasadniczo udoskonalonych produktów i usług badawczych w ASM-Centrum Badań i Analiz Rynku Sp. z o.o. Projekt w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej.
Augmented Reality for Management Skills Development with real-based Cases. Projekt w ramach programu Unii Europejskiej.
Other sources of funding:
DeepVesselNets: Reconstruction of vessels from medical images by deep learning networks.
European Spallation Source ERIC.
Intelligent tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control.
Development of a device to assist in the early diagnosis of skin nevi, including melanoma, using methods of computer vision, spatial modeling, comparative analysis and classification.
Design and installation of LLRF control systems for the M-Beta and H-Beta sections of the European Spallation Source (ESS) gas pedal.
Materials technologies and measurement systems for electronics operating in extreme conditions.
Application of explosive boiling phenomena for energy harvesting (power harvesting).
A system of non-invasive monitoring and diagnosis of functional disorders of the lower urinary tract by means of electric and ultrasound tomography
dr hab. inż. Łukasz Szymański, Professor of the University
90-924 Łódź, 18/22 Stefanowskiego Street