
Dr hab. inż. Anna Podsędek (discipline: nutrition and food technology, Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 24, liczba publikacji 2013-2021 - 36, liczba cytowań dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 839. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 26,40%. Znormalizowany wskaźnik Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) dla publikacji z lat 2013-2021 - 1,40).

Her scientific interests concern bioactive compounds of plant origin with pro-health properties.

Her works are used in the design of food with functional features and dietary supplements, useful in the prevention and treatment of civilization diseases, especially obesity and diabetes.

She was the manager of research projects financed by the KBN and NCN (Opus), and participated in a project co-financed by the EU under the European Regional Development Fund.

She is a co-author of 1 European and 3 national patents.

She was repeatedly awarded with the awards of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology for achievements in scientific activity.

dr hab. inż. Anna Podsędek
dr hab. inż. Anna Podsędek
Institute of Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
4/10 B. Stefanowskiego Street
90-537 Lodz, Poland