I. Please be informed that as of October 1, 2020 it is possible to resume the activities of student research groups of Lodz University of Technology on the premises of the university.
The resumption of activities of student research groups will take place according to the following rules:
The Research Group resuming its activities in the facilities of a university shall be obliged to inform about this intention and obtain the consent to resume the activities of the competent Dean for student affairs or the Director of the College respectively.
The use of the infrastructure of the university for the purposes of the activity of the research group requires the agreement of conditions with the administrator of the premises (the dean, the head of the organizational unit of the university).
The activities of the research group in the premises of a university shall be conducted exclusively on the general principles of safety of teaching in the premises of the university as defined in the current regulations of the university.
The supervision of compliance with the safety rules in connection with epidemic threats by members of the research group shall be exercised by a supervisor of the research group on behalf of the university.
II. It is possible to obtain funding for the activities of the research groups in the period from 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020 by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.
Financing will be carried out according to the following rules:
- the research group may submit, in the period from October 1-9, 2020, written applications to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at TUL for funding of the group's activities planned for implementation in the period from October 1, 2020. - 31 December 2020.
- the application should be confirmed by the group' s supervisor and must include:
i) description of planned activities
ii) expenditure estimates
iii) a commitment to spend the entire allocation by 31 December 2020.
- The decision on the allocation of funds is made by the Vice-Rector for student affairs. Before making a decision, the Vice-Rector may consult the Committee of Student Research Groups of the Student Government of Lodz University of Technology. Decisions of the Vice-Rector are final.
- The allocated funds will be transferred by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology through the competent organizational unit of the university, at which the Research Group, according to its regulations, conducts its activities.
- The allocated funds are disbursed according to the rules specified in the Ordinance No. 18/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology dated March 2, 2020.
- The research groups which have been granted the funds are obliged to present a report on their activities and spending of the funds to the Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology by 31 January 2021.
- The funds not used by December 31, 2020 are to be returned to the account of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs by February 12, 2021.
Assoc. Prof. Witold Pawłowski Ph.D., D.Sc
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs