In the Opus competition for research projects, funding was awarded to:
prof. dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska for the project "The Third Mission of Universities – from Commercialization to Valorization of Knowledge", with granted funds of 657,702 PLN.
dr hab. inż. Beata Magdalena Łuszczyńska for the project "Organic Photodiodes and Photovoltaic Cells: Simulations and Experiments", coordinated by TUL (with consortium partners: University of Warsaw and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), with granted funds of 2,982,512 PLN.
prof. dr hab. inż. Witold Jerzy Respondek for the project "Structural Properties of Nonlinear Control Systems: Static and Dynamic Linearization, Symmetries, Observers", with granted funds of 1,232,200 PLN.
dr inż. Adrian Karol Gliszczyński for the project "Assessment and Validation of Vibration Correlation Technique (VCT) for Predicting Critical Loads and Diagnosing Degradation of Thin-Walled Structures", with granted funds of 1,714,954 PLN.
dr hab. inż. Marcin Grzegorz Barburski for the project "Sustainable Design of Hybrid (Textile-Polymeric), Active Structures Conducting Selectively Frequency-Sensitive Surfaces (FSS) with Dominant Absorption Coefficient of Incident Waves or Directional Beam Reflection Capabilities", with granted funds of 1,964,248 PLN.
Preludium is a competition aimed at individuals without a doctoral degree. The laureates include:
mgr inż. Daria Renata Drwal, who will implement the project "Efficient Computational Models for Screening Fifth Generation Organic Light-Emitting Molecules", with funding amounting to 187,270 PLN.
mgr inż. Monika Katarzyna Rola, who will implement the project "Development of a New Screening Method for Identifying Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitors – Towards New Candidates for Gout Drugs", with funding amounting to 210,000 PLN.
mgr inż. Dominika Dąbrówka, who will implement the project "Compact Arrays of Nitride Edge Lasers Emitting Green Light", with funding amounting to 139,922 PLN.
mgr inż. Muhammad Junaid U Rehman, who will implement the project "Mathematical Analysis of Nonlinear Differential Equations Modeling Mechanical Systems Exhibiting Parametric and Self-Excited Vibrations", with funding amounting to 139,751 PLN.