The initialled document concerns cooperation in the education of a new generation of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. Students who pass the admission process will receive additional substantial and financial support from IDEAS NCRD.
The demand for well-educated IT specialists, including those specializing in artificial intelligence or machine learning, has been growing for years. Their presence on the job market is necessary today, also in areas that until now were not associated with IT. In a constantly changing world and with constant pressure to modernize services and products, information technology experts often determine the "to be or not to be" of a company or organization. The lack of ICT specialists is a huge gap that needs to be filled. For this reason, more and more universities are complementing their offer with fields of study dedicated to artificial intelligence and machine learning, or deciding on interdisciplinary cooperation with universities or research and development centers representing different disciplines or activity profiles - said Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL.
IDEAS NCBR sp. z o.o. is a research and development unit established by the National Centre for Research and Development, whose aim is, among others, to educate a new generation of scientists dealing with artificial intelligence, and to provide them with an attractive environment for conducting research work.
Our cooperation with universities is aimed at supporting the creation of a smoothly functioning AI system in the country. That is why we are so happy to have signed a partnership agreement with Lodz University of Technology. This is another step that brings us closer to building a world-class innovation ecosystem in the field of AI in Poland - explains Piotr Sankowski, President of IDEAS NCBR.
The objective of DEAS NCRD is to build the largest space in Poland that is friendly for conducting innovative research, as well as to educate a new generation of scientists focused on practical application of developed algorithms and their subsequent commercialization in industry, finance, medicine and other branches of economy. The highest substantive level of implemented projects guarantees the possibility of cooperation with scientists of worldwide standing.