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Lodz University of Technology is proud of the numerous successes of students involved in scientific circles. These activities have also been appreciated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. As part of the competition "Students' scientific circles create innovations", it awarded almost PLN 0.5 million. Funding for the projects was granted to as many as 8 scientific circles, the highest number among all the universities in Poland.

The biggest amount of 140 thousand PLN was awarded to "SKaNeR" Student Scientific Circle operating at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering (EEIA) under the supervision of Assoc. Professor Grzegorz Granosik to implement two projects:

  • Easily configurable mobile robot for inspection/research applications - 70 thousand PLN.
  • Development of a modular UAV integrated with an anti-collision system - PLN 70 thousand.

130 thousand zlotys will be granted to "Automotive enthusiasts" operating at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering under the supervision of Dr Eng. Rafał Dychto for two projects: almost 60 thousand zlotys for Construction of engine dynamometer and research on increasing the efficiency of the Eco Arrow 3.1 car and 70 thousand zlotys for Ultra-light rims, dynamometer for electric engines and augmented reality.

"UbiCOMP" received more than 60 thousand zloty for Multimodal system supporting remote cooperative work in industrial conditions. The Scientific Circle operates at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering under the scientific supervision of Assoc. Professor Krzysztof Grudnia and Dr Eng. Magdalena Wróbel-Lachowska.

Another scientific circle ".NET" will receive funding of almost 68 thousand zloty for the project "6. aRMoRS - Robotic Medical Rescue Squad; .NET TUL", which will be implemented under the supervision of Professor Adam Pelikant, also at the Faculty of Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering.

Student Scientific Circle "MAIN" received over 45 thousand PLN for the Traffic town for testing algorithms for automatic vehicle control, which will be created at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering under the scientific supervision of Dr Eng. Piotr Duch.

"NANO" operating at the Faculty of Chemistry, under the supervision of Assoc. Professor Marcin Kozanecki will implement the project Recovery of heavy metals from water using environmentally friendly hydrogels for over PLN 50 000.

A total of 214 applications were submitted for the second edition of the competition. 106 projects with a total value of PLN 5.75 million were qualified for funding.