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Voting on ideas submitted by students and doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology under the IDEA BOX project has ended. This year's edition enjoyed great interest, and the range of submitted ideas was very wide - from sport, through ecology, to IT applications.

I am very pleased with the activity of our students and doctoral students who, by submitting their ideas and taking part in the Idea Box voting, contribute to changing the campus of Lodz University of Technology into a more study-friendly place - said the Rector, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik.

Of the ideas submitted, the following received the largest number of votes:

  • Benches on the TUL campus: Oleksii Palesika (Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering) - PLN 10,000

  • A paradise for bees - a paradise for humans: Kamila Belka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences) - PLN 20,000

  • PSTRYK! Popularization of analogue photography among student community: Aleksandra Błęcka (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering) - PLN 7 000

In accordance with the decision of Lodz University of Technology authorities, some of the ideas submitted by students were recommended for implementation outside the Idea Box budget, as in the case of the idea Direction Signs in faculty buildings by Agata Czapnik (Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design). Some of the projects, whose implementation was suggested by students, have been worked on for some time and they overlap thematically with the submitted ideas, such as: mLegitymacja studentów (Student ID) by Magdalena Pakuła (International Faculty of Engineering), redesign of the e-learning system by Mikołaj Chodorowski (Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering) or mCampus application facilitating moving around the university proposed by Julia Pakuła (Faculty of Chemistry), which will be implemented under the project "Accessible Lodz University of Technology".

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the process of submitting ideas and voting was divided into two parts - for employees in the first half of 2021, and for students, after they return to regular classes in the second half of 2021. For the first time a new formula was introduced for selecting the winning ideas through online voting - informs Adam Owczarek, Head of the University Office for Development, which implements the IDEA BOX project. - All university employees could vote for ideas submitted by employees, and students themselves could vote for student ideas. In order for an idea to be put to a vote, it had to be positively verified in terms of its compliance with the applicable regulations, technical feasibility of implementing the idea and its verification from the perspective of the actual costs of its implementation. Student projects selected in 2021 will be implemented in 2022.

The pool of funds earmarked for the implementation of the selected ideas amounted to PLN 70,000 and was divided into two parts, PLN 35,000 each for employees and students and doctoral candidates. The submitted ideas had to be of a university-wide nature. Authors of the winning projects will receive commemorative diplomas and gifts in the form of promotional gadgets of Lodz University of Technology.