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The Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Lodz celebrated its 30th anniversary yesterday (12.09). A Gala was held to mark the occasion.


During the ceremony, Honorary Badges of Merit for Environmental and Climate Protection and Golden Laurels were presented for commitment to promoting environmental activities and spreading awareness of environmental protection.

Among the individuals and units awarded were Lodz University of Technology and Prof. Grzegorz Wielgosiński, Dean of the Faculty of Process and Environmental EngineeringTUL. Our university was awarded the Golden Laurel for taking action on environmental protection and water management.

prof. Paweł Strumiłło, podczas odbierania nagrody Złote Laury dla PŁ, fot. Sebastian Szwajkowski, Radio Łódź
Prof. Pawel Strumillo while receiving the Golden Laurel Award for TUL, photo. Sebastian Szwajkowski/Radio Lodz

On behalf of Lodz Universty of Technology and Prof. Wielgosinski, the statuettes and diplomas were received by the Vice-Rector for Development - Prof. Pawel Strumillo. Thanking him for both awards and past cooperation, he said:

Lodz University of Technology has been cooperating with the Fund for many years and providing substantive support for its activities. It conducts a number of research works devoted to environmental protection in our voivodship, promotes modern ecological projects, and, most importantly, educates specialists - students in fields related to environmental protection.