The main objective of the project is the experimental and numerical determination of mechanisms responsible for agglomeration in spray dryers with returning of particles to the drying chamber. Researchers from both universities will try to answer the following questions: what configuration of the spray dryer can lead to the production of large agglomerates with a stable structure? And also at what process parameters can such agglomerates be produced?
As explained by Dr Eng. Maciej Jaskulski from the Department of Environmental Engineering and project coordinator
Spray drying is a leading technology for producing bulk materials from liquids by rapidly removing its volatile components using hot gas. This technology is widely used in various industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Powdered milk, instant coffee, yeast, flavours and washing powder are the most popular of the wide range of spray-dried products that are used in everyday life. If the particles are too small or the particle diameter distribution is too narrow, they can form structures that are difficult to wet and dissolve.
Therefore, it is necessary to combine small particles to form relatively large stable agglomerates in which the basic particles are still distinguishable. In spray drying, this process is usually carried out by returning dry particles (dust) to the drying chamber,
which ultimately increases efficiency and prevents the particle size distribution from shifting to too low values. However, this agglomeration method is limited in that a significant increase in particle size cannot be achieved by actively initiating and controlling agglomeration.
The partners of the project entitled 'Investigation of the mechanism of particle agglomeration in countercurrent spray drying with particle return are internationally known for their contributions to the development of the particle structure and formulation using single droplet evaporation experiments and spray drying technology.
In the project, in particular, we will combine the advantages of both microscopic single particle analysis and laboratory analysis of a large-scale spray drying system, adds the coordinator.