Prof. Łukasz Albrecht, Vice-Rector for Science at TUL, explains the importance of funds for the university's projects and cooperation with industry:
The support of the National Centre for Research and Development makes it possible to carry out scientific and research works that are expected to introduce modern technologies into various branches of the economy, including those that are important for our quality of life and stopping environmental degradation. Thanks to these funds, the excellent ideas and concepts of our scientists have a chance to become reality. It is extremely important for the acceleration of research development to raise the competence of the scientific staff, to rejuvenate them and to increase the internationalisation of the teams working at Lodz University of Technology. We encourage our employees to participate in programmes that often represent a significant leap for researchers in their scientific careers.
Detailed information on the fundraising activities of individual institutions is included in the report "Academic institutions - experience in applying for and implementing R&D projects". The BRadar+ survey covered scientific institutions, including universities, research institutes, institutes and centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences - regardless of whether they acted as leaders or consortium members.
The report shows that between 2015 and 2021, 5031 applications were submitted to the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), of which funding was awarded to 977 innovative projects. Of the 595 scientific institutions (source: POL-on system) operating in Poland in 2022, 61 per cent were universities (including 131 public ones). The largest number of projects from NCBR was implemented by: Warsaw University of Technology - 128, AGH University of Science and Technology - 87 and Wroclaw University of Technology - 67. Just behind Lodz University of Technology was the Silesian University of Technology with 48 projects.