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The oldest of the exhibition halls at Lodz University of Technology continues to operate, although due to the pandemic, the openings of subsequent exhibitions are held without the participation of the public. The next opening is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, March 18, 2021, at 1.15 p.m. The new exhibition entitled "Invented Cities" will present a collection of graphic works by Alicja Habisiak-Matczak, an artist from Lodz.

virtual exhibition catalog

The author, referring to the inspiration for the exhibited graphics, says that

- It was the architecture of the cities which were on the map of my artistic travels: Urbino, Rome, Ostrava, Buenos Aires, Paris, Luxembourg, but also Lodz, which is close to my heart. These are author' visions which are a combination of drawing sketches and photographs made on the spot and creative transformations of the observed urban space.

The black-and-white pictures are a synthesis of reality, memories and futuristic visions. There is a surprising silence in places usually filled with noise.

As the artist emphasizes, the prints are a tribute to man and his work, as well as an unexpected comment on pandemic realities.

The exhibition features aquatints, etchings and woodcuts that are the result of the author's research into the use of iron sheets in intaglio printing, non-toxic intaglio techniques or salt aquatint. There are also examples of prints made with the use of laser.
In two exhibition spaces, in the main building of the Faculty of Chemistry and in the Chemical Library, there can be seen 44 works in various scales, from small graphic forms in the format of 7,5x10 cm to verticals of 200 cm x70 cm. Most of the graphics are published for the first time and are from 2020 and 2021, the others are from 2016-2019.
Alicja Habisiak-Matczak is a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, where she runs the Studio of Intaglio Techniques at the Faculty of Fine Arts and she is the supervisor of the Student Research Group "Experimentarium". In 2016, together with her students, she participated in the Educational Path at the Faculty of Chemistry, entitled "Art inspired by Chemistry".

The exhibition is open until the end of April 2021. 
The opening hours of the Club of Lodz University of Technology - Monday to Friday 9.00-15.00

Exhibition curator: dr hab. Piotr Mastalerz 

Commissioner of the Gallery Politechnika: dr Witold Staszewski 

Catalog, poster and invitation designer: dr Małgorzata Walaszczyk in new window