The university's activities for Sustainable Development and Goal 4 presented in the reports for 2021-2022 and 2020-2021 "Lodz University of Technology on the path of sustainable development".
These projects aim to empower students and discover their talents, as well as encourage independence. Both programmes are connected with an innovative method of developing creativity, namely tutoring. The aim of the "Masters of Teaching" programme is to improve the competencies of academic staff in this area and to use the methods learned in their work with selected students.
"Mentor Your Future" is an initiative of the Student Government of Lodz University of Technology addressed to the most ambitious students. The idea behind the Mentor Programme is for the mentor to work with the student to develop their own educational and career path, develop their potential, prepare them for the challenges ahead, and broaden their professional experience.
TUL was the first university in the region to establish a creative problem-solving lab - Design Thinking - in 2013.
Currently, at each faculty, students are taught to create innovative projects, products and services based on a deep understanding of problems and user needs. Classes are conducted in modern, fully equipped classrooms that support development and teamwork.
For several years, Lodz University of Technology has been successfully implementing the problem-based learning model, creating attitudes of self-reliant knowledge seeking and development while supporting the improvement of teamwork and communication competencies.
As part of the Integrated University Programmes 3 project, a new educational model was developed, and implemented
at the International Faculty of Engineering. This model introduces a three-module project block at engineering faculties, which gradually develops the skills of creative problem solving and at the same time shapes the character of a young explorer, promoting such values as inquisitiveness and persistence.
The new solutions are also used by students of the Polish-language faculties who can choose an interdisciplinary problem-based project as part of their elective courses.
As part of the Integrated Qualification System, Lodz University of Technology has developed over 100 descriptions of synthetic characteristics of full qualifications. Thanks to this, TUL disseminated information about its own teaching and research offer in the Integrated Qualification Register, which gathers in one place data on all qualifications awarded in the education and higher education system, as well as on qualifications acquired as part of non-formal and informal education in Poland.
This activity is aimed at supporting the lifelong learning policy and building the personnel potential based on highly qualified employees.
Lodz University of Technology is the only university in Poland that confirms the quality of the awarded qualification, and thus the quality of the higher education diploma, in a comprehensive manner. In addition to the diploma examination, an original competency-based examination model was developed based on the case study methodology.
This examination verifies the student's attainment of the aggregated key competencies defined for the programme of study. It consists in analysing descriptions of selected, specific events from the field/discipline of study along with all their complexities and difficulties. Training and organisational support for the implementation of this formula are offered by the Learning Centre - Teaching Support Section.
The aim of the project is to improve the competencies of persons conducting extracurricular classes which develop IT interests and to activate young people gifted in IT. The ICC project is a comprehensive concept of supporting Polish IT education aimed at educating gifted students with the involvement of the best technical universities in the country.
Individual activities are intended to strengthen students' desire to develop their interest in algorithmics and programming. They also serve to popularise the idea of IT competitions and help to select teams capable of competing in IT competitions at the national and global level.
At the beginning of October 2017 IFE, in cooperation with the French Embassy in Poland and the international association Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), opened a prestigious long-term project for young people from Lodz and the Lodz region called the French Academy of the Young Engineer (FAYE).
The aim of the project is to promote the development of young people in the field of French technology and culture, as well as to show them the great opportunities that knowledge of the French language gives them in their future professional life.
For the first editions of the project, comprising a year-long cycle of classes, schools from Lodz voivodship have been invited, which for years have been promoting the French language and culture of France among their students. Adepts of the Academy not only learn French under the supervision of an experienced native speaker, but also participate in a series of workshops with representatives of French companies. Every year, students of the Academy create unique group projects, concerning social problems from the area of the city, region or the whole country.
Lodz University of Technology Library is the largest technical library in the region. Its activities are primarily focused on meeting the needs and expectations of the academic community of its home university. The Library also fulfils a public function by making its printed resources (books - 247,766 volumes, journals - 135,70 volumes) and electronic resources available to all those who are interested.
The Library is also active in promoting culture and art aimed at the local community - art exhibitions in the Biblio-Art Gallery and author meetings in the Literary Vestibule.
ŁUD was established in 2008 and successfully organises workshops and lectures for children and young people, which take place in the laboratories of TUL. They are mostly conducted by academics of the university, but lecturers and experts in various fields, from home and abroad, are also invited.
The main programmes are:
- ŁUD for Seven-year-olds,
- ŁUD for children aged 8-12,
- ŁUD for Alumni - for young people aged 13-17,
- and Volunteer Junior.
The Young Explorers' Pathways project was also implemented as part of the ŁUD initiatives. In 2020, 1,100 children aged 8-12 took part in the basic ŁUD programme.
The ŁUD lends a mini science centre, the Minipheanomenta, whose creator is Prof. Lutz Fisser from Flensburg, to primary schools. ŁUD also participates as a partner in the project "PHERECLOS - Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling", which is coordinated by the Children's University of Vienna.
The project involves collaboration between schools and academic centres with the aim of creating shared learning environments.
The project will create six "Local Education Clusters" that will act as enablers of innovation in education, bringing together schools and other actors in the education system.
There is a Public Secondary School of Lodz University of Technology. It was the first academic secondary school in Lodz. It is an important link in the cycle of training engineering staff for industry. The curriculum includes additional subjects of science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science) and foreign languages (mainly English).
Classes in these subjects are conducted on an extended basis, partly by lecturers from the University in the University's laboratories. Thanks to the high demands placed on the teaching staff and students, in a very short time the Public Secondary School of Lodz University of Technology has become one of the best educational institutions in Poland.
UTW was established in 2006 as an integral organisational unit of the University, in response to the educational needs of seniors. The activities of the UTW are aimed at the psycho-physical and social activation of older people. Classes take place in an academic year consisting of two semesters.
Students participate in popular science lectures covering topics related to the achievements of science and technology, health promotion, or legal proceedings.
In addition, they can develop their skills in the following sections:
- information technology,
- new technologies,
- foreign languages,
- visual arts,
- history,
- bridge,
- tourism,
as well as enjoy various gymnastics classes and the swimming pool in the Sports Bay of Lodz University of Technology.
In total, 476 hours of classes were conducted for 577 students in the 2020/21 academic year.
Lodz University of Technology successfully implements projects aimed at improving the competencies of both students and academic, managerial and administrative staff. In accordance with the needs of the economy, labour market and society.
The Integrated University Programme includes workshops, courses, training, study visits, as well as internships in companies and summer and winter schools. Moreover, the project Didactics 2.0 was realised, which included training courses for teachers wishing to improve their competencies in modern didactics (PBL, DT, CT), e-learning, information management, and foreign languages. Selected training courses were also held in foreign units.
TUL very quickly and effectively implemented solutions related to the introduction of remote learning as a result of the SARSCoV-2 outbreak, also due to the change in the university's IT policy and management in this area. In 2018, the University IT Centre of TUL was established, which, together with the E-Learning Centre, ensures, among other things, the implementation of basic network services for the academic environment of TUL (e.g. EDU-ROAM), offers a webinar platform and the WIKAMP e-learning platform, which enables the sharing of teaching materials and online testing. In the last year, the webinar system at the Lodz University of Technology has been expanded and improved (the number of web sessions and web auditoriums has increased fivefold).
A series of webinars and training workshops for teachers on the use of remote teaching tools, especially the newly developed Microsoft365 environment, has also been prepared. As early as in the winter semester 2020/2021, synchronous teaching and a number of other solutions concerning the verification of learning outcomes or the defence of diploma theses have been introduced. All information and legal acts related to the functioning of the university in the state of the pandemic are placed on a dedicated website.
In recognition of its investment in the development of digital skills and competencies of its students, lecturers and administrative staff, Lodz University of Technology was awarded the prestigious "University in the Microsoft Cloud" prize.
Children’s University is a non-departmental unit where children develop their curiosity about the world and learn the secrets of technical knowledge in a simple and fun way. Since 2008, he has been successfully organizing workshops and lectures for children and young people, which are held in TUL laboratories. They are mostly conducted by academics at the university, but lecturers and experts in various fields, from home and abroad, are also invited. In 2021, LUD’s offer included 256 online workshops, 130 onsite workshops, 16 online workshops 'From a different perspective', five workshops for parents, workshops for young people aged 13-16. 700 children and 250 parents benefited. Winter holidays with LUD were also organized - 26 workshops, 170 participants. LUD is also implementing the international project PHERECLOS (Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling), under which 6 education clusters are being established in different countries around the world. The only Local Educational Cluster (LEC) in Poland is being established at Lodz Children's University. The LEC held its first online conference in 2021, titled „Competencies and professions of the future" organized by Junior LUD Volunteers, which was attended by 560 children and parents.
Commissioned for implementation by the MEiN, the "Masters of Teaching" project is aimed at students who want to benefit from short-term tutoring support. It is provided free of charge, individually or in small groups over a period of one semester. The meetings are led by TUL staff trained for this purpose during study visits abroad to top European universities - University College London, Ghent University, University of Aarhus, University of Groningen and University of Oslo. Classes implemented by the tutoring method develop students' academic, social and personal competencies. Personalized education allows for individualized work with both outstanding students and those struggling with learning difficulties. In the tutoring method, the student learns to think independently, think critically, seek sources of inspiration and present his achievements. Participants benefit from the "student-master" relationship. From the teacher's perspective, cooperation with the mentee is built quite differently than in traditional classes. The teacher learns a lot from and about students, and this knowledge comes in handy in his daily work. In 2020 and 2021, about 500 students will receive tutor support.
Lodz University of Technology runs the TUL Public Secondary School. It was the first university secondary school in Lodz. It is an important link in the series of training engineering staff for industry. The curriculum includes additional subjects in science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science) and foreign languages (mainly English). Classes in these subjects are implemented with increased number of teaching hours. Thanks to the high demands placed on the teaching staff and students, TUL Secondary School has in a very short time become one of the best educational institutions in Poland. In the 2021/2022 school year, a total of 429 students studied at the Secondary School, and the school gained another 110 graduates.
UTW was established in 2006 as an integral organizational unit of the university, in response to the educational needs of senior citizens. The activities of the UTW are aimed at the psycho-physical and social activation of the elderly. Classes are held in an academic year consisting of two semesters. Students attend popular science lectures, covering topics related to scientific and technological achievements, preventive health care, or legal proceedings. They can also develop their skills in the following sections: information technology, new technologies, foreign languages, fine arts, history, bridge, tourism, as well as enjoy a variety of gymnastics classes and the swimming pool at the TUL Sports Bay. A total of 1,376 hours of classes were held in the 2021/22 academic year, benefiting 880 seniors (including 602 regular students and 278 participants in open community classes).
The first permanent Newton Room in Poland opened in November 2021 at the Public Secondary School of Lodz University of Technology. This is the result of the university's agreement with global aircraft manufacturer Boeing and the non-profit foundation FIRST Scandinavia. The Newton Room concept was temporarily implemented at the same
school back in 2019. It was a successful experience that laid the groundwork for a new partnership. The space has been opened to inspire young people with knowledge in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Modern workstations have been installed in the Newton Room studio. Here, students can experience immersive experiments, pursuing hands-on topics related to math, robotics or renewable energy. The Newton Room is located on TUL premises but can be used free of charge by students from other institutions. In the 2021/22 academic year, more than 1,800 students from schools in Lodz benefited from classes at the studio. During this time, an Aviation module was mainly implemented, and a Biofuels class was also piloted and included in the full offer from 1 September 2022. The module is aligned with the primary school chemistry and biology core curriculum (module for younger children) and the secondary school core curriculum (version for older children). Participants in this module study two stages of industrial biofuel production: enzymatic degradation of wood to sugar and fermentation of sugar to fuel (ethanol). They also evaluate and discuss biofuels in the context of sustainability.
The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering at TUL is coordinating two new international projects that have received funding from the Erasmus+ programme. The project "HEART - Help educators to teach through robotic tools" envisages activities aimed at several groups related to adult education, primarily their teachers and professionals working with adult learners with disabilities, seeking innovative tools and supporting technologies. HEART project partners are: e-Nable Greece (Greece), Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe (Spain), Lidi Smart Solutions (Netherlands), Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS (Italy) European Development Foundation (Bulgaria).
A complementary project in the area of school education is "Ready, Teady, Go!" aimed at students aged 9-14 with special educational needs, as well as teachers and educators. Non-governmental organizations, including, among others, public education centres and socio-therapeutic day care centres for children and adolescents, are an important target group for these activities. The project is being implemented in cooperation with foundations and organizations from Italy (Fondazione Instituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS), Cyprus (A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd.), Spain (Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe), Greece (e-Nable Greece), Lithuania (Sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendrija "Vilniaus Viltis") and Poland (Foundation Institute of Social Re-Integration). Examples of the project's results include a platform providing learning materials that additionally includes an interactive space for users, or a mobile app with an avatar of the eponymous Teady bear to support children's learning.
The PŁ has a wide range of activities implemented for the development of science and technology skills and competencies of children and young people (making modern scientific and teaching laboratories available to students, a wide range of lectures at schools, science subject competitions, the possibility of applying for TUL patronage, etc.). Within the framework of cooperation with high schools, since 2010, lecturers of the Centre of Mathematics and Physics at TUL, in cooperation with the Institute of Physics, have been organizing a "Week with Mathematics and Physics" for students from five schools in the Lodz Voivodship, with nearly 200 students participating annually. The university also takes the initiative every year to support high school students in preparing for the Matura, this support ranges from courses to organizing trial exams. In 2021, the Centre of Mathematics and Physics ran two such courses, and the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, in turn, prepared trial exams in mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry, which were open to all students nationwide. Trial Matura exams are conducted on the infimat.p.lodz.pl platform but are also sent out to schools and posted on the Faculty's website. The online version was taken by 3,500 students from across the country in the 2021/22 academic year. The faculty also organizes a number of nationwide competitions for high school students, such as. "First Step to Nobel Prize - Lodz University of Technology Rector's Cup Competition", "First Step to Fields Medal - Lodz University of Technology Rector's Cup Competition", "Fascinating Physics", or "InfoSuccess" (IT competition).
Lodz University of Technology is the only university in Poland that confirms the quality of the qualification awarded, and thus the quality of the university diploma in a comprehensive manner. In addition to the diploma exam, a proprietary competence exam model was developed based on case study methodology. This exam verifies the student's achievement of the aggregate key competencies specified for the study program. It consists of analyzing the descriptions of selected specific events in the field of study with all their complexities and difficulties. Training and organizational support for the implementation of this formula is offered by the Centre for Teaching and Learning - Teaching Support Section
TUL includes in its curricula subjects in which students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development so that at least one course in each field of study addresses this issue. The university also offers fields of study entirely dedicated to sustainability, such as Bioeconomy, Sustainable Bioeconomy, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering in Construction, Networks and Installations in Environmental Engineering, Information Technology in Environmental Protection, Urban Revitalisation, and conducted in a foreign-language Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materials.
In turn, all programmes conducted in a foreign language in cooperation with the International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) include the subject Civic Knowledge and Engagement, in which students carry out various activities for the development of themselves, TUL and the social environment. These may include volunteering for a university, or
volunteering for a non-profit organization. Among other things, they acquire the ability to transfer the knowledge and competencies acquired in the course of their studies to other spheres of social life, not related to the studied field.
IFE, in cooperation with the French Embassy in Poland and the International Association Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), runs a prestigious, multi-year project for young people from Lodz and the Lodz region called the French Academy for Young Engineers (FAMI). The aim of the venture is to popularize youth development in the field of French technology and culture, as well as to show young people the great opportunities that knowledge of the French language offers in later professional life. Schools from the Lodz Voivodship that have been promoting the French language and French culture among their students for years have been invited to join the project. Adepts of the Academy learn French under the guidance of an experienced native speaker and hold a series of workshops with representatives of French companies. Each year, they create unique group projects that address social problems from within the city, region or nationwide. Since the beginning of the project, 140 people have participated, with 22 participants in the 2021/22 academic year..