Participants of the opening panel. From left: rector Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, director Bartosz Stawiarz (Erasmus+), director Marzena Bednarek- Kokosza (UŁ), pro-rector Dr. Krzysztof Franek (Film School), director Dr. Eng. Dorota Piotrowska, Prof. PŁ (CWM)
Authored on 10/17/2023 - 11:34
Kategorie aktualności

On Friday, October 13, one in a series of nationwide workshops, part of regional conferences on strategic planning and implementation of microcredentials, was hosted at Lodz University of Technology under the theme 'Microcredentials and Erasmus+'. Earlier this October, the workshops have been carried out in Katowice, Kraków, and Opole.

Running the workshops, whose purpose is , to introduce participants to microcredentials and present options to acquire Erasmus + funding for partnership projects to develop a microcredentials system, are the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps National Agency and the Erasmus+ InnHUB Innovation Centers.

Written by Monika Dziąg, workshop participant

Conference participants from the Lodz University of Technology
Authored on 10/17/2023 - 09:45
Kategorie aktualności

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) hosted the first ever ECIU University Research Conference. This extraordinary event was attended by representatives of the 14 allied universities, alongside representatives of public institutions (e.g., municipality, township bodies) as well as private organizations. The conference was held under the theme of challenge-based approach, because the participating researchers unanimously agreed that education, research, and innovation can thrive and flourish only if they are situated within well-connected ecosystems, where different stakeholders collaborate robustly.

Written by dr inż. Barbara Galińska, Institute of Management

Rektorat Politechniki Łódzkiej, fot. arch. PŁ
Authored on 10/16/2023 - 12:06
Kategorie aktualności

Yet again, Elsevier has released on its website October 2023 data-update for 'Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators'. 42 researchers affiliated with Lodz University of Technology are featured in this publicly available database of top-cited scientists.

Meeting participants, from left: professor Canan Doğan, mgr Sema Gündüz, dr inż. Iwona Staniec, professor Oguzhan Gunduz, and dr inż. Agnieszka Pietras
Authored on 10/12/2023 - 09:15
Kategorie aktualności

The Faculty of Organization and Management is engaged in the international Interdisciplinary HEI Entrepreneurship Fostering Program (InterHEI), funded with a grant from the Horizon Europe framework. Lodz University of Technology is the lead for the task Research Infrastructure Commercialization Academy (RIC Academy).

Written by dr inż. Agnieszka Pietras, Institute of Management

Professor Marta Gmurek during the Kongres Kobiet 2023, photo: Personal collection
Authored on 10/11/2023 - 09:07
Kategorie aktualności

Professor Marta Gmurek of Lodz University of Technology has been nominated to participate in the professional and cultural exchange program called International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). This edition’s theme is ‘Hidden No More: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM’.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka editor-in-chief

dr inż. Aleksandra Twarda-Cłapa
Authored on 10/09/2023 - 13:27
Kategorie aktualności

Dr inż. Aleksandra Twarda-Cłapa, assistant professor at the Institute of Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology in the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, completed an international internship at the German Helmholtz Zentrum München from April to June 2023. Read below the researcher's report on the project she carried out there.

Rectors of the universities associated in the Łódź Academic Partnership, photo by Mikołaj Zacharow
Authored on 10/05/2023 - 15:17
Kategorie aktualności

The opening of the 2023/24 academic year took on a very special quality. It was held at the Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic, where the universities associated in the Łódź Academic Partnership (ŁPA) convened. The ceremony was attended by the leadership and senators, employees, students, doctoral candidates, and well-wishers to the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź, the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz Film School, the University of Lodz, and the  Medical University of Lodz.

Tomasz Krysiński's presentation interested the participants
Authored on 10/05/2023 - 12:22
Kategorie aktualności

Łódzkie Forum Future Mobility organized by Lodz University of Technology provided a platform to discuss the latest trends in mobility, both terrain and air mobility, that is safe for people and environmentally friendly. As emphasized by the French Embassy representative attending the meeting, mobility is one of the key challenges in the world today, and one that requires cooperation and integration of science and industry.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka