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The database of the world's most cited authors, published by Elsevier, includes as many as 42 scientists with Lodz University of Technology affiliations.


The list was compiled by Stanford University and includes the names of the top 2 per cent of scientists whose publications are most frequently cited by other authors.

I would like to congratulate all the scientists who have made it into the elite group of the most highly cited authors of publications published in prestigious journals. I am pleased that every year this number is higher. The number of citations speaks volumes about global recognition, about the ground-breaking theses contained in a publication, so I feel satisfied that our researchers and scientists make a significant impact and contribute to the global development of science,

says the Rector of TUL, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik.

Two lists of the most cited researchers from around the world have been published on the Elsevier website, separately for the whole career (including 29 names from TUL) and for the last year (including 30 names from TUL).

The full list of names can be found in the TUL News Bulletin - Życie Uczelniopens in new window.