Authored on 06/24/2024 - 13:22
Kategorie aktualności

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology, has been elected Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (KRPUT) for the 2024-2028 term.


The unanimous decision was made on June 20 during the KRPUT Plenary Assembly, hosted by Gdańsk University of Technology.

After the election, Rector Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik emphasized:

Universities face many challenges that require us to cooperate, but also to reflect and work intensively.

According to the new chairman, whose term begins on September 1, 2024, particular attention, besides the issue of science funding and strengthening support for young scientists, which is crucial for Poland's development, should be paid to significant changes in the approach to the education process.

We operate on the international stage; we are already not only in the European but also in the global higher education system. In this system, we must build our competitiveness. The world is changing extremely fast, so universities should be more flexible and more efficient in responding to contemporary challenges. The young generation, our students and doctoral candidates, need to be provided with competencies not for today, but for a future we do not yet know. We must inspire creativity and independent thinking in them.

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, thanking for the election, said:

As chairman, I commit to working on the challenges ahead of us, keeping in mind the good of our universities and the entire country. Together, we can build a strong and innovative higher education system that will be a proud showcase for Poland.

The vice-chairmen of KRPUT are:

  • dr. hab. Danuta Zawadzka, Prof. of Koszalin University of Technology;
  • Prof. dr. hab. inż. Marek Pawełczyk – Silesian University of Technology;
  • Prof. dr. hab. inż. Krzysztof Wilde – Gdańsk University of Technology.

A Few Facts from the Professional Biography

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. Since graduating in 1987, he has been associated with the Institute of Turbomachinery, where he became the director in 2007.

In 2014, he received a professorial nomination in the field of technical sciences. In his research work, he has completed many projects for the industry, including calculations and the design of a propeller drive for the world's fastest helicopter, the X3. He also led projects related to small wind turbines, a system for removing mercury from flue gases of lignite-fired power units, and methods and systems for disposing of aerosol packaging. At the same time, he developed blood flow modeling. He led a team that developed mechanical heart valves and an air supply system for the controller of pneumatic heart assist chambers in the "Polish Artificial Heart" project.

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik has extensive organizational experience. Since September 2020, he has been serving as the Rector of Lodz University of Technology and will lead the university for another four years in the 2024-28 term. Previously, he was the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and then the Vice-Rector for Education, serving these duties for the second time since January 2020, and from March, he also headed the Crisis Management Team at Lodz University of Technology in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic.

In the photo taken just after the election, the Rectors (from left) are: Prof. Krzysztof Wilde (Gdańsk University of Technology), Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik (Lodz University of Technology), Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, the outgoing chairman of KRPUT (Poznań University of Technology), and Prof. Jerzy Lis (AGH University of Science and Technology).
