promotional graphics
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The National Center for Research and Development has announced the results of the evaluation of 120 proposals submitted in a call under the European Social Fund 2021-2027. 21 projects successfully underwent assessment and were recommended for funding, one of which had been submitted by Lodz University of Technology.

Written by mgr Adrianna Kozłowska, Center for Teaching and Learning

Photo credit: Jacek Szabela
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This year's first art exhibition at the Galeria Politechnika (Politechnika Art Gallery) provided an opportunity to meet the women artists of the PlusMinus collective and to see their artwork. The creative group is formed of 10 women who are graduates from the State Academy of Fine Arts (now the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts) in Łódź.

Edited by Ewa Chojnacka

kick-off meeting of the project
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Lodz University of Technology partners in the European project OUT-DOOR came to Łódź for a kick-off meeting to discuss the details of and to launch activities that are expected to lead to successful completion of the project objectives.

Written by dr inż.  Anna Laska-Leśniewicz, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems

 The top 10 athletes, Photo credit: the top 10 athletes
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After a several years’ break, the tradition of holding Lodz University of Technology Academic Sports Gala had been revived. The Gala served to review the previous sports season and provided an opportunity to recognize athletes and coaches for their achievement. Also acknowledged were a large group of the AZS Academic Sports Club of Lodz University of Technology (AZS TUL) activists.

Written by dr Ewa Brochocka, AZS TUL, TUL Sports Center and Marcin Nadratowski, e-sports coordinator

Eco-nook, Photo credit: Dorota Ziąbka
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Since October 2023, the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of Lodz University of Technology has enjoyed an eco-nook, part of the Life Mercury FREE project.

Written by prof. Volodymyr Mosorov, project coordinator, Institute of Applied Computer Science

dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Liśkiewicz, prof. PŁ, fot. arch. prywatne
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Still young, but nevertheless boasting an impressive track record of research experience and accomplishment, dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Liśkiewicz, TUL prof., has won a Fulbright Senior Award 2024-25.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

At the exhibition
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For the last few years, Architecture students have taken part in plein-air painting workshop in scenic Władysławowo in early September. An exhibition of the artwork produced there by the students and faculty of TUL's Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning opened in early January. The paintings depict a broad spectrum of seascapes, representations of nature, portrayals of the local architecture and the fishing harbor.

Written by dr nt. arch. wnętrz Agata Wereszczyńska, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

Jan Nowiński explained and demonstrated how to control a mechanical arm fitted with a gripper
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Innovations in logistics and means of transportation, including the ones for use in large warehouses, control of autonomous robots, visual inspection systems are but a few examples of the topics featured during at the Transportation and Logistics Day held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUL.

Below is a report on the Day written by dr inż. Sławomir Halusiak (Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering), who organized the event that brings together the academia, business, and high school students and educators.

The traditional throwing of graduation hats
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Gala of Graduates and Business Partners (Gala Absolwentów i Biznesu) was held by the Faculty of Organization and Management (OiZ). Graduates received certificates and awards, whereas business partners were recognized and thanked for their cooperation thus far.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor in-chief

Students of the PŁ stand in front of the company Aciéries Hachette et Driout
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Last December, students from Lodz University of Technology had the opportunity to spend five days in Champagne, France. As part of the project "Active D2 - Active Double Degree - Implementation of a joint study model based on active teaching and learning methods" funded by NAWA , the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the students participated in industrial study visits during which they conducted process and technology audits in French companies. The forty students selected for this project are pursuing studies in Management and Production Engineering.

Written by mgr Lidia Ławecka, Internationa Cooperation Centre

New partnership with a Chinese university
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The Chinese Jimei University has now joined the ever expanding group of international partners of Lodz University of Technology.

The opening of the new calendar sparked new activity from  Lodz University of Technology in its relations with China. On January 10, 2024, leadership of the two universities convened online to sign a cooperation agreement. Both institutions took the opportunity to present their capacities and discuss prospects for further development of the cooperation.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

Phantom for ultrasound tomography examination. Photo credit: Dorota Ziąbka
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In 2021 – 2023, Lodz University of Technology, in collaboration with Netrix SA Research and Development Center based in Lublin and the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital - Research Institute, completed UROTOM project. Research work was conducted at the Institute of Applied Computer Science, the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, and the Institute of Automatic Control.

Edited by Ewa Chojnacka

Rektorat Politechniki Łódzkiej, fot. Paweł Augustyniak
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In the latest international University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) 2023-2024, Lodz University of Technology has kept its last year's position, rising nevertheless among the Polish universities listed in the ranking.

Written by mgr Urszula Żelazko, Centre for International Cooperation

uroczystość nadania DHC prof. K. Matyjaszewskiemu na Politechnice Rzeszowskiej
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Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, a scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in the US (since 1985) and Lodz University of Technology (since 2014), who for many years now has been referred to as a possible Nobel Prize nominee in the field of Chemistry, was awarded the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa by Rzeszów University of Technology.

Edited by Ewa Chojnacka