A view of the model soil ecosystems
Authored on 05/05/2023 - 10:15
Kategorie aktualności

The adverse effects of plastic waste on the aquatic environment, and especially on the living organisms that inhabit it, are well known to many of us from abundant media reports. Much less information reaches us about the possible effects of plastic waste on the soil and the organisms living there.

Written by prof. Ewa Liwarska-Bizukojć, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Services

Authored on 04/28/2023 - 10:15
Kategorie aktualności

Swirl diffusers are used in indoor ventilation systems that require comfort for the people who spend time there. Dr inż. Joanna Kopania and dr inż. Grzegorz Bogusławski from the Institute of Marketing and Sustainable Development have devised a swirl diffuser that generates low sound power levels. The invention was awarded a medal at IPITEX 2023, held in Bangkok.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, edito-in-chief

 tracheostomy tube filters
Authored on 04/28/2023 - 10:03
Kategorie aktualności

Tracheotomy is a surgical procedure that enables many patients to breathe comfortably while bypassing the upper respiratory tract. This is achieved with the aid of a tracheostomy tube inserted through an opening in the anterior wall of the trachea. Researchers at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering have engineered a way to fabricate a material to make tracheostomy tube air filters. The surface-modified filter is designed to reduce bacterial adhesion and colonization.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

device prototype
Authored on 04/27/2023 - 10:39
Kategorie aktualności

The growing popularity of biking in the city raises concerns about the safety of pedestrians and bikers. The GapAware system designed by a team comprising TUL staff and students, members of the Ubicomp student science society at the Institute of Applied Computer Science, aims to address them.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka editor-in-chief

Representatives of the awarded team, incl. from the right dr hab. inż. Adam Wojciechowski, TUL professor (with the statuette) and  dr inż. Jarosław Andrzejczak
Authored on 04/24/2023 - 15:24
Kategorie aktualności

Developed in Łódź, the GRYDSEN therapy tool, designed by a team from Lodz University of Technology within a consortium with Grydsen sp. z o. o., helps in slowing down aging-related memory disorders and mobility loss. It is used in the diagnosis, therapy, prevention, physical therapy, and training of both healthy and ailing individuals.

Written by Team Grydsen

From the right prof. Łukasz Albrecht and dr inż. Beata Łukasik, winners of Łódzkie Eureka award in the science category
Authored on 04/24/2023 - 15:17
Kategorie aktualności

Scientists from the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, have been awarded the Łódzkie Eureka award. Professor Łukasz Albrecht, who leads the group, discusses the research awarded in the category Science.

Written by prof. Łukasz Albrecht, Institute of Organic Chemistry

dr Jacek Stańdo z PŁ Złotym Ambasadorem Innowacji, fot. J.S.
Authored on 04/20/2023 - 14:57
Kategorie aktualności

Dr Jacek Stańdo, TUL professor working at the Center for the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics, Lodz University of Technology, has been distinguished with the Ambassador of Innovation award (Ambasador Innowacyjności). The European Center for Economic Development (Europejski Ośrodek Rozwoju Gospodarki ) awarded this prestigious honor for, as stated in the letter of congratulation, ‘outstanding commitment to the many projects to promote innovation in Poland, as well as forward-thinking, out-of-the-box thinking and new approaches.’

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

Koncert jubileuszowy: 30 lat Muzyki na Politechnice
Authored on 04/17/2023 - 09:43
Kategorie aktualności

The jubilee was celebrated in an exquisite setting, as the prominent Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Hall in Łódź provided the venue for the concert organized on the occasion. The regularly held soirees with music, most often classical, but occasionally a bit more lighthearted, began more than 30 years ago because Professor Jan Krysinski, a long-time rector of Lodz University of Technology, brought his vision to life. Named Music at Lodz University of Technology, for many years, the concerts were held in the Mirror Hall of the Scheibler Villa at 266 Piotrkowska Street, and have now been moved to the TUL Performing Arts Auditorium. Succeeding rectors took patronage of the concerts. The current rector, professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, was the host of the jubilee evening.

Written by Hanna Morawska

Faculty of Mechanical Engineerig
Authored on 04/17/2023 - 09:14
Kategorie aktualności

Among the Polish universities conducting research in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Lodz University of Technology has been given the highest ranking by's, a global ranking of universities doing research in the field. The total number of universities from 50 countries classified in the ranking in this field was 550, with six of them from Poland.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka

Authored on 04/17/2023 - 08:57
Kategorie aktualności

In a nutshell, the Strefa ROSSwoju (ROSSdevelopment Zone) inaugurated on the premises of the Faculty of Organization and Management (OiZ) is a functional space where you can go to during a break between the lectures, review your notes, meet with friends or just relax.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka

The researcher from Tehran Professor Somaye Akbari accompanied by profesor Katarzyna Grabowska and professor Dawid Stawski, photo: Lidia Smereka
Authored on 04/12/2023 - 12:06
Kategorie aktualności

The Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design hosted professor Somaye Akbari, a researcher from the Department of Textile Engineering at  Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). Lodz University of Technology's cooperation with the Iranian university goes back several years. It is founded on collaborative research on functional textiles with antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-mildew, and flame-retardant properties. Textiles of this kind are used in advanced bioactive applications.

Written by Dawid Stawski, Institute of Materials Science of Textiles and Polymer Composites

Hands-on part of the BIMaHEAD Workshop
Authored on 04/03/2023 - 11:20
Kategorie aktualności

The Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning hosted BIMaHEAD Workshop organized within the framework of the international project Building digital coMpetencies of students and teacHers in construction related degrees & incrEasing digitAl reaDiness of EU universities ongoing at Lodz University of Technology. The workshop, held on March 29, 2023, was intended to give an overview of the project and provide hands-on learning experience with the aid of IT and exploration of the virtual world.

Written by Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning