Authored on 05/27/2021 - 14:45
Kategorie aktualności

In his work he perfectly combines theoretical knowledge with experience gained on the construction site. He uses this in his research, which aims to determine the reliability of structures such as halls and masts. Rafał Bredow, MSc. is the winner of, among others, the Prof. Kuczyński Award for the best thesis in the field of construction and continues his education at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at Lodz University of Technology.

Authored on 05/27/2021 - 14:02
Kategorie aktualności

The prestigious journal "Nature Reviews Chemistry" published an article by Prof. Katarzyna Pernal and Dr Michał Hapka from the Institute of Physics at Lodz University of Technology. The publication placed in the News and Views section was prepared at the invitation of the editor.

Authored on 05/21/2021 - 08:07
Kategorie aktualności

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MEiN) will provide PLN 230 thousand to students of Lodz University of Technology who are active in five student research groups. The granted funds come from the programme "Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje" [Student research groups create innovations].

Authored on 05/18/2021 - 11:49
Kategorie aktualności

The staff of the Polish Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai will wear clothes designed by Barbara Florczyk, a student of clothing architecture at the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design (WTMiWT) of Lodz University of Technology. Clothes made according to her designs will be seen by millions of visitors to the Polish stands at this most prestigious exhibition in the world.

Authored on 05/17/2021 - 17:34
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology has signed new double diploma agreements with universities from France. The Rector, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, signed (14.05) a document on cooperation with ECAM universities from Lyon and Strasbourg. Twelve students a year will be able to go to each of them, gaining a TUL diploma and one of the French universities.

Authored on 05/11/2021 - 15:51
Kategorie aktualności

In a laboratory room she feels like a child in a toy shop. Being passionate about physics, she is now pursuing her doctoral degree at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School ISD. She is part of a research group led by Prof. Tomasz Czyszanowski, where she deals with VCSEL lasers widely applied in medicine or electronics, for example. Weronika Głowadzka has connections with the Institute of Physics at Lodz University of Technology and has been gaining international experience during internships and visits at European universities. Her aim is to create a future technology that would be used to quickly analyze the blood of patients or the air that they breathe.

Authored on 05/11/2021 - 11:20
Kategorie aktualności

A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology (2010) and the French university - Arts et Métiers Paris Tech. She studied Gestion et technolgie and Mechanical Engineering and Applied Computer Science at the International Faculty of Engineering (IFE). She holds a double and even a triple diploma degree from IFE, as well as a Diplôme d'Ingénieur and a Master Recherche diploma in Fluids and Energy Systems.