prof. Hanna Kierzkowska-Pawlak, fot. arch. prywatne
Authored on 05/21/2024 - 20:44
Kategorie aktualności

On the first meeting of the Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the 2024-2028 term, elections were held for the Presidium. Prof. Hanna Kierzkowska-Pawlak, Head of the Department of Molecular Engineering at Lodz University of Technology, was unanimously elected as the Vice-Chair of the Committee.

Authored on 05/20/2024 - 18:40
Kategorie aktualności

Announcement Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 10 May 2024. on the fees for educational services and other services provided at full-time and part-time, first-cycle and second-cycle degree programmes as well as postgraduate programmes and other forms of education at Lodz University of Technology charged to persons who are not Polish citizens and other persons not listed in Article 324(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science, starting the education cycle in the academic year 2024/25.

Meeting of the ECIU section 'Transport and Mobility', photo: Barbara Galińska
Authored on 05/10/2024 - 15:38
Kategorie aktualności

The first meeting of the ECIU section 'Transport and Mobility' was attended by 19 representatives of all the faculties of Lodz University of Technology. The discussion, chaired by dr inż. Barbara Galińska, Faculty of Organization and Management, was held (May 9th) in the conference room of the Faculty.

Written by dr inż. Barbara Galińska, T&M Group Coordinator Institute of Management

ECIU ikona
Authored on 05/10/2024 - 14:08
Kategorie aktualności

If you want to explore, develop, and expand your knowledge and activities related to HE and/or H2020 projects JOIN (REGISTRATION)  the event aiming to bring together coordinators from across the ECIU consortium to promote their project results and to invite researchers across ECIU to hear about the latest results, and enabling them all to connect for potential future research proposals.

Edyta Pietrzak
Authored on 05/10/2024 - 12:03
Kategorie aktualności

Joining the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), researchers from Lodz University of Technology have become involved in 5 scientific areas implemented in the consortium. These are: Resilient Communities, Circular Economy, Energy and Sustainability, Transport and Mobility, and Citizen Science, a field coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Edyta B. Pietrzak.

Authored on 05/07/2024 - 08:24
Kategorie aktualności

PhD student (research scholarship) at the Department of Structural Mechanics (Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering)

Authored on 04/29/2024 - 11:26
Kategorie aktualności

"Let's forget about modesty! We need to repeat this event". This is the comment of one university candidate who has met with TUL students at this year's TUL Open Day. This online event has confirmed the interest of foreigners in studying at Lodz University of Technology.

Written by mgr Anna Grzelak, International Cooperation Centre

prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik
Authored on 04/26/2024 - 15:40
Kategorie aktualności

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik was re-elected rector of Lodz University of Technology for the term 2024-2028. He had no competitors, which confirms that his standing at the university is strong. The vote, held on April 25, 2024, was attended by 111 electors, 90 of whom voted in approval of the candidate, prof. Jóźwik.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief