Dr inż. Grzegorz Zwoliński, leader of the project
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A team of researchers from the Voxel Research Lab of the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, TUL, led by dr inż. Grzegorz Zwoliński, has embarked on a groundbreaking adventure called VRChem (Innovative Integration of Virtual Reality in Chemical Engineering Education). The Ersamus + funded project aims to incorporate virtual reality (VR) technology into university-level chemistry teaching and learning.

Ed. Ewa Chojnacka

Dr P. Karunakaran Nair and dr hab. Katarzyna Znajdek
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In early July 2024, dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Znajdek, TUL prof., leader of the Thin Film Photovoltaics research group in the Department of Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Devices, returned from a fascinating month-long fellowship in Mexico. She conducted her research at El Instituto de Energías Renovables, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IER-UNAM) in Temixco, Morelos.

Edited by Ewa Chojnacka

logo Funded by the European Union
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How to cultivate future leaders' environmentally responsible mindset? How to develop students' green and digital skills, bolster their innovation and entrepreneurship competence, and promote social responsibility of universities? How to incorporate virtual reality (VR) technology into university-level chemistry teaching and learning?  Groups from Lodz University of Technology will work on these issues within European consortia, searching for green solutions also for children's universities.

Maciej Szulczewski
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Maciej Szulczewski, a Mechanical Engineering student in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/IFE, was nominated for membership in the Student Council to the President of the Polish Space Agency. The nomination was presented by the President of the Polish Space Agency, prof. Grzegorz Wrochna.

Absolwent PŁ, Kacper Królewiak, laureat nagrodzonej pracy inżynierskiej, fot. arch. prywatne
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The dissertation by Kacper Królewiak, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of inżynier, won 2nd prize in the National Competition Engineer 4 Science 2024 for the best dissertation on AI 4 Science.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

prof. Paweł Wawrzyniak, fot. arch. prywatne
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Professor graduated from the Institute of Chemical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology (1983). He received his doctoral degree in 1999 and his postdoctoral degree in 2017, both from Lodz University of Technology.

Female students with award-winning works, photograph by dr inż. arch. Joanna Matuszewska, supervisor of students from PŁ
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Students pursing a degree in Architecture from Lodz University of Technology: Klaudia Wlazło, Milena Szudrowicz, Zuzanna Królewiak, Zofia Szczerba, Alicja Kielek, Martyna Gola and Dominika Lizis, may certainly consider their participation in the 18th National Architecture Students' Plein-Air Workshops fully successful. In the competition organized during the plein-air they won the main prizes, honorable mentions, and special prizes - altogether an overwhelming 8 out of 14 awards given by the jury. The supervisor of the TUL group was Dr Eng. arch. Joanna Matuszewska from the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

prof. Paweł Wawrzyniak, fot. arch. prywatne
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The President of the Republic of Poland conferred the title of professor of engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of chemical engineering on the researcher from the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering.