Rectors office
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The National Center for Research and Development has announced the results of the evaluation of proposals submitted for the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 program called Education to meet the needs of the economy.
Lodz University of Technology was granted the fourth largest allocation of funding. Out of the 211 proposals submitted for approval, 47 projects will obtain financial support.

kobieta trzymajaca statuetkę pracodawca roku, stoi pomiędzy dwoma mężczyznami
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Announced during a gala attended by representatives of nearly 50 companies were the winners of the Competition for The Best Employer of Łódzkie Voivodeship Award by Students of Lodz University of Technology. Awards in the two subcategories: The Best 2023 internship/work placement program for students of Lodz University of Technology and The Best Employer of the Lodz ICT Cluster by students of Lodz University of Technology were also revealed.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, edito-in-chef

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The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking considers the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In the latest edition of this prestigious ranking, Lodz University of Technology once again took 1st place in Poland in Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and ranked in the global TOP 200 in this category.

zdjęcie 5 sportowców siedzących na bieżni i pokazujących medale
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Students from the section for individuals with disabilities had a fantastic performance at the AZS Polish Integration Championships in Athletics. They won no fewer than 6 medals at the event held in Gdańsk (June 7-9, 2024).

Written by mgr Teresa Biela Jesionowska, Coach of the KU AZS sports section

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THE Impact ranking factors in the pursuit of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The results of latest edition of this prestigious ranking once again saw Lodz University of Technology rank 1st in Poland for Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, which earned it a place in the global TOP 200 in this category.

grupa prorektorów uczelni technicznych podczas spotkania w Poznaniu
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The new composition of the Presidium was elected during the Conference of the College of Vice-Rectors for General Affairs, Organization and Contacts with the Socio-Economic Environment, and the College of Vice-Rectors for Science and Development of public technical universities (June 5-7). This year's edition of the event took place at Poznan University of Technology.