Prof. Volodymyr Mosorov from the Institute of Applied Computer Science.
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Lodz University of Technology is the leader of an EU project from the LIFE Programme to support activities for nature and climate protection and energy transition. The project, coordinated by Professor Volodymyr Mosorov of the Institute of Applied Computer Science at Lodz University of Technology, will be carried out by several European universities, with the support of a Dutch technology company and a Greek research organisation dedicated to promoting disruptive social and business innovations. The budget for the joint tasks is close to €1.5 million.

Podpisanie umowy na termomoernizację budynków
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On Friday (12 August), Vice-President of the Management Board - National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), Artur Michalski, and the Vice-Rector for Education at TUL, Professor Andrzej Romanowski, signed an agreement to subsidise the thermomodernization of TUL buildings.

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Lodz University of Technology implements 7 projects in the Horizon Europe program, including 3 as a coordinator. - We received information about this third coordination of the project on July 5, so the pool of money allocated to us has increased even more. The budget allocated to the university for their implementation is a total of almost EUR 2.7 million - informs Prof. Łukasz Albrecht, Vice-Rector for Science.

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Starting on 11 July, a team of students and graduates from Lodz University of Technology, together with representatives of other Polish technical universities active in the Circle of Young Polish Union of Engineers and Construction Technicians (PZITB), will carry out another Workcamp project for a fortnight.