Authored on 08/12/2021 - 09:24
Kategorie aktualności

One year remains to the start of the European University Games, which are planned in Lodz from 17 to 30 July 2022. Dr Ewa Brochocka - director of the Sports Centre of Lodz University of Technology, head of the EUG organizational committee at Lodz University of Technology, tells us about the preparations for the largest academic event in Poland.

Authored on 08/10/2021 - 08:24
Kategorie aktualności

International Cooperation Centre successfully applied to the Welcome to Poland programme run by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and has obtained almost 400 thousand PLN for initiatives supporting the university internationalisation. 181 projects applied for co-financing at NAWA, of which only 39 have been selected for implementation, including Lodz University of Technology.

Authored on 08/03/2021 - 11:27
Kategorie aktualności

It is difficult to describe the happiness of the academic community of Lodz University of Technology with the Olympic gold medal of the 4x400 mixed relay at the Tokyo Olympics, in which Kajetan Duszyński, a doctoral student at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School TUL who crossed the finish line. He is a young man with a great passion for sport and science. I am extremely proud of the success of our doctoral student. I am glad that he decided to develop his passion and career at Lodz University of Technology, the university which provides excellent prospects for talented people with great scientific potential

- said the rector of Lodz University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, commenting on the great success of Poland.

Authored on 08/03/2021 - 07:59
Kategorie aktualności

The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland has published the annual report for 2020. Lodz University of Technology has moved up one place in the ranking according to the number of granted patents filed for protection by domestic and foreign entities. Thus, TUL has come second with 73 patents received.

Authored on 08/03/2021 - 07:58
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology and the District Hospital in Szamotuły signed a letter of intent on July 29, whereby they will cooperate in the implementation of the AnBaCo project “Zol-gel antibacterial layers containing carbon nanoparticles”. Its purpose is to verify the action of antibacterial layers zol-gel under hospital conditions.