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In 2015, the United Nations adopted a development strategy for 2030, contained in the resolution "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". It contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are a global blueprint for improving people's quality of life. Lodz University of Technology, aware of these challenges and the leading role of the university in overcoming them, has been taking the SDGs into account for years in its educational, scientific and research activities as well as those related to the third mission of the university. The Sustainable Development Team is in charge of their coordination.

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Biodegradable packaging materials developed by a team led by Assoc. Prof. Eng. Anna Masek, TUL Prof. from the Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL, received an award at the 23rd edition of the Polish Product of the Future competition.

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We would like to invite you to participate in the 1st International Congress on Regeneration of Industrial Cities, which will be held in Lodz in the EC1 Hall of Machines on June 22-23. Over 150 speakers from all over the world, including scientists from Lodz University of Technology, will take part in two days of debates, panel discussions, discussions, and presentations.

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A diverse educational offer and an opportunity to develop your passions, free studies conducted in foreign languages and a special programme for the best candidates and students - admissions for studies at Lodz University of Technology have started. Assoc. Prof. Eng. Andrzej Romanowski, TUL Prof. - Vice-Rector for Education, tells us why it is worth choosing Lodz University of Technology.

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The presence of representatives of Lodz University of Technology at the first such cross-sector event in the Lodz region is extremely valuable. - It is a great opportunity to present our achievements, as well as to strengthen cooperation with business, which will be the pillar of the new perspective of project financing - says Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology, who will speak at the opening of the event.

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Researchers from the Department of Environmental Biotechnology at TUL, together with the Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, received 19 million PLN from the National Centre for Research and Development to develop an innovative process for drying pulp using waste heat and obtaining functional feed components, as part of the circular economy of sugar factories.

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The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) has announced the list of winners of this year's START programme - 100 most talented young scientists. Among the best researchers was Paweł Czapski, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lodz University of Technology.

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Over the last two years, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Robert Cichowicz, Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering at TUL, has been analysing the air quality with the use of a specialised drone in various locations within the Lodz agglomeration, including: the A and B campus of Lodz University of Technology and the areas which may be affected by the Lodz Combined Heat and Power Plants EC-3 and EC-4. He explains the results of his research in an interview and presents them in the prepared video footage.

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Over 2 million PLN subsidy from the Polish National Centre for Research and Development to finance innovative projects carried out at Lodz University of Technology.