Authored on 07/13/2021 - 15:18
Kategorie aktualności

Dr inż. Adam Rylski from the Institute of Materials Engineering of Lodz University of Technology has become the president of the Board of the Lodz Federation Council SNT-NOT. His scientific achievements include numerous patents and inventions, for which he has been awarded many times at international exhibitions and competitions.

Authored on 07/01/2021 - 08:17
Kategorie aktualności

This year, in order to assist the development of students at Lodz University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology Foundation has organised a Santander Universidades awards competition in cooperation with the Santander Group. The awards have been given to five students who have achieved outstanding educational results and have been taking an active part in social life at and outside the university in the last 12 months.

Authored on 06/18/2021 - 12:51
Kategorie aktualności

Biodegradable packaging materials developed by a team led by Assoc. Prof. Eng. Anna Masek, TUL Prof. from the Institute of Polymer and Dye Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL, received an award at the 23rd edition of the Polish Product of the Future competition.

Authored on 05/27/2021 - 14:45
Kategorie aktualności

In his work he perfectly combines theoretical knowledge with experience gained on the construction site. He uses this in his research, which aims to determine the reliability of structures such as halls and masts. Rafał Bredow, MSc. is the winner of, among others, the Prof. Kuczyński Award for the best thesis in the field of construction and continues his education at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at Lodz University of Technology.

Authored on 06/18/2022 - 22:40
Kategorie aktualności

Scientists from Lodz University of Technology are involved in a project run by FermiLAB, the main particle physics laboratory in the United States, managed by the Department of Energy. The research work conducted is related to neutrinos, which are part of the search for answers to fundamental questions about the origin of the universe.

Authored on 03/24/2022 - 10:10
Kategorie aktualności

The Minister of Economic Development and Technology granted the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Lodz University of Technology the status of an accredited Innovation Centre for services provided under programmes financed from European funds. Having such a status allows the unit to provide professional pro-innovation services.

Authored on 01/26/2022 - 13:06
Kategorie aktualności

Voting on ideas submitted by students and doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology under the IDEA BOX project has ended. This year's edition enjoyed great interest, and the range of submitted ideas was very wide - from sport, through ecology, to IT applications.

Authored on 01/07/2022 - 20:20
Kategorie aktualności

Researchers from Lodz University of Technology participate in the European FLEXIndustries consortium, which brings together 36 international institutions. Experts from the Institute of Turbomachinery Lodz University of Technology and the K-FLEX Lodz - Uniejów company are one of the Polish members.

Authored on 11/18/2021 - 13:42
Kategorie aktualności

A large part of society is already aware of how important a healthy diet is in our lives. However, we still have problems with the right choice of food and good quality products containing the so-called "good fats" that have a huge impact on our health. Researchers from the Institute of Food Technology and Analysis of Lodz University of Technology under the direction of Professor Grażyna Budryn have successfully taken up the challenge of implementing zero trans fats in the production of many types of food. New technologies and patents have been developed, making it possible, among other things, to produce the healthy sweet snacks that Prof. Budryn talks about.