Presentation of the protective garments during a meeting at KGHM Miedź Polska S.A. (photo by KGHM Miedź Polska S.A.)
Authored on 02/14/2023 - 08:32
Kategorie aktualności

The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) has developed a prototype of protective clothing that actively cools the body down, designed for people working in hot environments, i.e. workers exposed to excessive heat causing the body to overheat. Lodz University of Technology contributed to this innovative solution.

Written by Wojciech Tylman, Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science
Presentation of the protective garments during a meeting at KGHM Miedź Polska S.A. (photo by KGHM Miedź Polska S.A.)

The Erasmus+ Innovation Centre InnHUB Łódź kicked off its operations with a meeting convened for institutions from the region of Łódź
Authored on 02/13/2023 - 08:32
Kategorie aktualności

The Erasmus+ Innovation Centre InnHUB Łódź, with its office at the Centre for International Cooperation of Lodz University of Technology, kicked off its operations with a meeting convened for institutions from the region of Łódź.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

Władze i studenci PŁ podczas zbiórki pieniędzy w Manufakturze, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 02/13/2023 - 07:57
Kategorie aktualności

The total sum of all forms of fundraising conducted by the GOCC headquarters at Lodz University of Technology was a great success for the organizers and volunteers. This year, a record 506,000 zlotys were collected, almost 200,000 zlotys more than the previous year.

 W czasie konferencji prasowej. Wypowiada się rektor PŁ prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, obok dyrektor CWM dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska i dyrektor Bartosz Stawiarz z FSRE
Authored on 02/13/2023 - 07:54
Kategorie aktualności

The office of the Erasmus+ Innovation Centre InnHUB Lodz was officially opened (9.02) at the International Cooperation Centre of Lodz University of Technology. The activities of the new unit were inaugurated by a meeting with representatives of various institutions from the Lodz region. - We want to assist our society in adapting to the needs of the business environment, to changes in the labour market - said the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, opening the office.

Organizatorzy i uczestnicy XXXI Konferencji Matematycznej w PŁ
Authored on 02/13/2023 - 07:46
Kategorie aktualności

The XXXI Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers - Mathematical Manufaktura, held at Lodz University of Technology, has begun. For four days (10-13.02), mathematicians from all over Poland will discuss education and exchange views on the methods of teaching the queen of sciences, as well as share good teaching practices.

dr Jacek Stańdo z PŁ Złotym Ambasadorem Innowacji, fot. J.S.
Authored on 02/08/2023 - 09:03
Kategorie aktualności

For a number of years now, dr Jacek Stańdo, TUL professor, has been interested in researching the popularity of different search queries with the aid of Google Trends. One of his recent studies conducted with application of the tool has gained international recognition. The article 'The COVID-19 pandemic and the interest in prayer and spirituality in Poland according to Google Trends data in the context of the mediatisation of religion processes' was listed in 2022 in the top 10 of Digital Religion Research publications.

Written by Jacek Stańdo, Centre of Mathematics and Physics, TUL, Andrzej Adamski, Gabriela Piechnik, the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow and Żywilla Fechner, Institute of Mathematics, TUL

Authored on 02/06/2023 - 09:13
Kategorie aktualności

Air travel is an important complement to other modes of regional transport. In some regions, it is the only viable option. Yet, typical of these short flights are high CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, which reduces their competitiveness against, for example, high-speed trains or the increasingly popular electric and hybrid cars.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief