Authored on 06/07/2022 - 09:21
Kategorie aktualności

Łukasz Adamek, M.Sc., a doctoral student at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering is taking part in an economic mission to Egypt (May 29-31) attended by the President of Poland. During the Poland-Egypt New Tech Forum in Cairo, Mr Adamek is presenting an innovative solution based on the use of thermal imaging to detect early symptoms of disease in animals.

Authored on 06/03/2022 - 08:30
Kategorie aktualności

Enrico Fermi National Laboratory of Elementary Particles (FermiLab) in the state of Illinois, managed by the U.S. Department of (Energy, is one of the world's most recognized scientific centers dedicated to studying the structure of matter at its lowest subatomic level. Currently, the FermiLAB is carrying out work related to neutrinos, which involves scientists from Lodz University of Technology.

Written by Wojciech Cichalewski, Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science

Authored on 05/20/2022 - 15:47
Kategorie aktualności

Treatment of heavily contaminated industrial wastewater is a tremendous challenge facing our economy. Currently, one of the most promising methods of their recycling, with high implementation potential, is ozonation of wastewater in the presence of a catalyst. This topic of research is dealt with Assoc. Prof. Lucyna Bilińska, who works at the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering , this year's winner of the Scientist of the Future Award, in the category of Future Research.

Authored on 05/20/2022 - 15:42
Kategorie aktualności

The Jagiellonian University's Collegium Novum (18.05) held a gala presenting awards to representatives of universities who were promoted in the last edition of Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. A special diploma for Lodz University of Technology for its significant rise in the ranking was collected by Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology.

Prof. Marcin Barburski, coordinator of the project
Authored on 05/20/2022 - 09:43
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology will be the coordinator of the Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for Composites project awarded in the Twinningcompetition , under the European Commission Horizon Europe programme. Almost €1.5 million has been allocated to the project's activities.

Authored on 05/16/2022 - 11:06
Kategorie aktualności

We know the results of this year's competitions for the Awards of Rector of Lodz University of Technology for researchers and doctoral students. During a special session of TUL Senate, 24 May, the winners will receive awards worth a total of PLN 110 thousand. - Thank you very much for all the competition entries. I would like to congratulate all the awarded and invite you to the ceremony of awarding congratulatory letters and commemorative statuettes - says Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik