Authored on 11/03/2021 - 08:03
Kategorie aktualności

Participation in “The Excellence Initiative- Research University” programme has so far given TUL an additional budget of PLN 6,5 million. The university subsidy has been increased by 2% of the tax subsidy. The finances obtained from the Ministry enabled the university authorities to introduce new activities to raise the research quality at TUL. One of them is a system of awards supporting scientific excellence of employees, also doctoral students and students

Authored on 11/02/2021 - 11:59
Kategorie aktualności

Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, of Lodz University of Technology of 27 October 2021 on the distribution plan of student parking zones on Campus A and B of Lodz University of Technology.

Science and an engaging adventure at the same time
Authored on 11/02/2021 - 10:00
Kategorie aktualności

Poland's first permanent Newton Room laboratory has been opened at  Public Secondary School of Lodz University of Technology. This is the result of the university's agreement with the global aircraft manufacturer Boeing and the non-profit foundation FIRST Scandinavia. This joining of forces has resulted in the implementation of an international project with excellent experiences in various European countries.

  • Article written by Ewa Chojnacka
Authored on 11/02/2021 - 09:23
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology has received 450,000 euros in funding from the Erasmus + programme to coordinate and implement two international projects: HEART and Ready, Teady, Go! Both projects are part of long-term activities of the Human-Centered Robotics Laboratory at the Institute of Automatic Control of Lodz University of Technology, which develops robotic tools for humans.

Authored on 11/02/2021 - 09:22
Kategorie aktualności

A record number of 95,972 works were submitted for this year's Design Biennale in Peru. In the category of visual identification, 9,596 works were submitted, including "The project of a generative system of dynamic visual identification of Lodz University of Technology" Dr Krzysztof Guzek from the Institute of Information Technology at Lodz University of Technology, which was among the three highest rated by the jury.

Authored on 10/28/2021 - 09:26
Kategorie aktualności

The project concerns an extremely important topic: data protection in cloud applications. A team of scientists from the Institute of Information Technology at TUL and specialists from the LTC company intend to develop a new technology using artificial intelligence algorithms and Data Science. The National Centre for Research and Development has granted a 2.5 million PLN grant from the Operational Programme "Intelligent Development" for this purpose.

photo created by -
Authored on 10/26/2021 - 09:46
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with the IT company LTC sp z o.o. has undertaken a project related to cyber security. The aim is to protect data that are processed by applications running in the cloud.

Article written by Ewa Chojnacka

Seed potato cultivation: under laboratory (1) and field (2) conditions
Authored on 10/22/2021 - 10:29
Kategorie aktualności

Potatoes are the most common vegetable grown on large acreages in the countryside and in kitchen gardens. Unfortunately, they are very susceptible to diseases, which can cause an average loss of up to 20 percent of the crop. This problem is being tackled by a team of scientists from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences.