Grafika Steer Your Future with IDS - Katarzyna Włodarczyk
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Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the world, so optimal growing conditions are of great importance. In view of the increasing demand for edible plants and environmental changes, work in the field of food technology and nutrition is badly needed. Katarzyna Włodarczyk, M.Sc., is conducting her research in this area.

Grafika promująca Research Week w PŁ
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The week of March 10 – to March 16 is going to be special at Lodz University of Technology and it is going to be all about research. Scientists, doctoral candidates and students will have the opportunity to visit our state-of-the-art laboratories, network, learn about what they are currently working on and find out how the most advanced technologies are developed.

prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak z PŁ, fot. Jerzy Wojewoda
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This is the second time the University of Wroclaw will award the Heisig Prize, also known as ‘the Polish Nobel’, to outstanding scientists. The Senate of Lodz University of Technology passed a resolution to endorse prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak's (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) nomination for the award.

dr inż. Joanna Grzelczyk z PŁ, prowadziła badania nad kawą, fot. MIchał Łepecki
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Dr inż. Joanna Grzelczyk of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Lodz University of Technology, with a grant from the National Science Center (NCN), conducted research on the health-promoting compounds in green and roasted coffee beans. The results are very interesting.

Studenci Wydziału Chemicznego w laboratorium, fot. arch. PŁ
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Three international certificates: Chemistry Bachelor, Chemistry Euromaster and Chemical Technology Euromaster have been awarded to two fields of study conducted at the Faculty of Chemistry: chemistry (first and second cycle) and chemical technology (second cycle). This is the result of positive accreditation of both fields of study by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN), which was granted for a maximum period of six years, until 2028.

Prof. Marcin Kamiński z PŁ, laureat nagrody MEiN, fot. PŁ
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On Polish Science Day, observed on February 19, the Minister of Education and Science presented awards to outstanding scientists and research groups. Professor Marcin Kaminski of Lodz University of Technology is among the 45 individuals presented with the award for their contribution to science.

prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik i marszałek, Grzegorz Schreiber pokazują podpisany przez nich dokumnet, fot. PŁ
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Lodz University of Technology and Australian Curtin University in Perth have (14.02) concluded an agreement, which is the first step towards cooperation. The partnership is the result of talks between the authorities of the two academic centres, which began during Expo 2020 in Dubai where the rector of TUL travelled at the invitation of the Marshal.

Prof. Łukasz Albrecht
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I think that artificial intelligence will not replace the scientist, but it will provide great opportunities and research tools, which, if used well, will open the way to breakthrough scientific discoveries - says Prof. Łukasz Albrecht. The occasion for the conversation with the Vice-Rector for Science at TUL is the Day of Polish Science, celebrated on 19 February.

A. Topolska wizytówka
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Not everyone is aware that chemistry - although difficult - is omnipresent in our lives. We deal with it everywhere, and those who recognised this early on became passionate about it. This group includes Aleksandra Topolska, M.Sc., who is pursuing her doctoral thesis in the area of chemical sciences at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at TUL.

Grafika promująca Dzień Otwarty w PŁ
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An exceptional Open Day will take place at Lodz University of Technology this year. We would like to invite you on 14 March - the International Day of Mathematics, to a number of attractive classes, meetings and debates, prepared in the Alchemium building (Żeromskiego 114), in several special zones.

Signatories of the agreement on admitting the City of Łódź to the Energy Wave Cluster
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On Tuesday, 14 February, at the Rector's Office of Lodz University of Technology, the City of Lodz officially became a member of the Lodz Energy Wave Cluster. The participation of the new partner offers great opportunities to implement, on a wider scale, innovations aimed at reducing the impact of the energy crisis in the resources managed by the city.