Aula na Wydziale EEIA, gdzie studiował dr Uznański
Authored on 01/17/2023 - 08:29
Kategorie aktualności

Many people had been waiting for this meeting since the media reported at the end of November (23.11) that Dr Sławosz Uznański, a graduate of Lodz University of Technology , had become a reserve astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA). The auditorium where the meeting was scheduled at TUL was filled to its full capacity.

Budynek LabFactor  na Wydziale WIPOŚ, fot. arch. PŁ
Authored on 11/24/2022 - 11:32
Kategorie aktualności

For a few days, from 23 to 27 November, visitors from 7 countries: Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine and Poland, will come to Lodz University of Technology to participate in the 9th international training conference for doctoral candidates from the Baltic Sea region - BUP 9th PhD Students training "Interdisciplinary-Multicultural-International".

Authored on 10/12/2021 - 11:56
Kategorie aktualności

Prof. Joanna Kałużna-Czaplińska from the Faculty of Chemistry at TUL, was this year's winner of the Prof. Andrzej Waksmundzki Medal, the founder of Polish chromatography. This is the highest distinction awarded by the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Authored on 06/15/2021 - 13:47
Kategorie aktualności

The presence of representatives of Lodz University of Technology at the first such cross-sector event in the Lodz region is extremely valuable. - It is a great opportunity to present our achievements, as well as to strengthen cooperation with business, which will be the pillar of the new perspective of project financing - says Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology, who will speak at the opening of the event.

prof. Łukasz Albrecht podczas workshopu ECIU, fot. J. Szabela
Authored on 06/16/2023 - 08:59
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology is one of fourteen universities affiliated with the European Consortium of Innovative Universities. Membership in this elite network opens up new opportunities for the TUL academic community. These include participation in international and interdisciplinary research groups and mobility related to scientific and teaching development.

Laureaci złotego medalu - dr hab. inż. Michał Frydrysiak i mgr inż. Zbigniew Pawliczak z WTMiWT PŁ, fot. arch.WTMiWT.
Authored on 04/27/2023 - 12:34
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology, in a report published by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland for 2021, ranks second in Poland in the number of national and international patents granted. Our scientists and students are continuously working on new innovative solutions, for which they are awarded at international exhibitions.

Emilia Brancewicz-Steinmetz, doktorantka z PŁ, laureatka konkursu Perły Nauki, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 03/16/2023 - 14:28
Kategorie aktualności

The winner of the first edition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's Pearls of Science competition was Emilia Brancewicz-Steinmetz, a doctoral candidate at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at TUL.

prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik i marszałek, Grzegorz Schreiber pokazują podpisany przez nich dokumnet, fot. PŁ
Authored on 02/20/2023 - 08:12
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology and Australian Curtin University in Perth have (14.02) concluded an agreement, which is the first step towards cooperation. The partnership is the result of talks between the authorities of the two academic centres, which began during Expo 2020 in Dubai where the rector of TUL travelled at the invitation of the Marshal.

grafika poglądowa ze zdjęciem: mgr inż. Rafał Bredow, EN
Authored on 02/01/2023 - 10:35
Kategorie aktualności

Safety is a key issue in the construction industry. The responsibility of constructors for the buildings they commission requires sound theoretical knowledge reinforced by experience gained on site. This two-pronged approach benefits both theory and practice, and is led by Rafal Bredow, M.Sc.

Authored on 01/27/2023 - 08:11
Kategorie aktualności

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at TUL offers training in 12 scientific disciplines. It is a place to pursue research passions and develop your scientific career. As part of the STER programme, the series "Steer your future with IDS" is being launched, in which you will be able to get to know the Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology better and learn more about the inspiring stories of doctoral candidates.