Grafika promująca EFG 2022
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The XV European Economic Forum, organised by the Marshal's Office of the Łódź Voivodeship, begins on 14 December. Once again, clusters in which Lodz University of Technology takes active part will be the content partners of the event: ICT Central Poland Cluster, LODZistics, Łódź Cluster Energy Wave.

dr hab. inż. Lucyna Bilińska
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]One of the aims of the NCRD's Leader programme is to scientifically solve problems faced by industry. It assumes the transfer of knowledge from the university to the company, as in the case of Lucyna Bilińska, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. With a degree in textiles and conducting research in the Department of Molecular Engineering, she is designing a technology for the treatment of textile wastewater, already used in a dyeing plant.

Kamil Lubiński, IDS
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Advertising makes the trade go round, but emotions are at the beginning of the purchasing decision. They play a key role before the consumer decides to pay for a product. The advertising industry tries to exploit this by influencing our choices. Kamil Lubinski, M.Sc., from the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, investigates nostalgic brand image management in the toy industry.

Participants at the OSCE conference in Lodz, photo by Adam Sosin
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Lodz University of Technology (30 November) was the venue for the closing session of the OSCE Civic Solidarity Platform meeting. The conference adopted the Lodz Declaration, in which the authors call on the international community to halt Russian aggression against Ukraine, prevent impunity and ensure justice.

Studenci Wydziału Chemicznego w laboratorium, fot. arch. PŁ
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A new second-cycle field of study is being created at Lodz University of Technology in response to the demands of an increasingly demanding labour market, in industries based on modern functional materials, numerous in the Lodz region

Rektorzy łodzkich uczelni publicznych podpisali porozumienie o zacieśnieniu współpracy
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- We are convinced that the diversity of Lodz public universities shaped over decades, strengthened by the multicultural traditions of Lodz, is not in contradiction, but is the strongest foundation of the unity that we intend to build together as part of the Lodz Academic Partnership (ŁPA) - this is a fragment of the declaration signed (29.11) by the rectors of Lodz public universities at the University of Music.

Budynek LabFactor  na Wydziale WIPOŚ, fot. arch. PŁ
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For a few days, from 23 to 27 November, visitors from 7 countries: Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine and Poland, will come to Lodz University of Technology to participate in the 9th international training conference for doctoral candidates from the Baltic Sea region - BUP 9th PhD Students training "Interdisciplinary-Multicultural-International".

Adam \owczarek z PŁ odbiera dyplom z rąk prezydent Łodzi Hanny Zdanowskiej
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Yesterday (15.11), the results of the vote of the Lodz Citizens' Budget 2022/2023 were announced. The project "Green campus - garden on Skorupki", submitted by employees and students of Lodz University of Technology, received 886 votes, which ensured it took first place in the Stare Polesie housing estate and implementation in 2023.

The Rector, Prof Krzysztof Jóźwik, and the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof Łukasz Albrecht, met with coordinators (3.11) of new international research projects being implemented at TUL,
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Lodz University of Technology is successfully applying for funds under the European Commission's international research programmes. In the new budget perspective for 2021-2027, 44 applications have been submitted so far, of which 10 projects have been awarded funding and 8 more are awaiting evaluation.

Nauka movie A. Czylkowska i P. Szymański
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The number of oncological patients is growing every year, and as a result, the need to develop effective anti-cancer drugs is increasing. A team of scientists from Lodz University of Technology, Medical Universities of Lodz and Lublin and the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz are responding to this challenge. They designed, synthesized, and thoroughly studied the physicochemical and biological properties of two new compounds with potential anti-cancer effects. dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Czylkowska, TUL prof. and prof. dr hab. n. farm. Paweł Szymański.

M. Podsędkowski, IDS
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New applications for drones continue to emerge, which requires their continuous improvement. This is the problem being tackled by Maciej Podsędkowski, M.Sc., who is pursuing his doctoral thesis in the field of mechanical engineering, at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology.