Kolaż zdjęć: grafika do podsumowania 2022 roku
Authored on 01/03/2023 - 08:16
Kategorie aktualności

The passing year 2022 brought many unique events and spectacular successes to Lodz University of Technology. In July, the university was the main host of a major sporting event, the European Universities Games, which attracted several thousand students from over 400 universities from 37 countries.

Invited guests: representatives of the authorities at the opening of the first PAKT laboratory in Poland
Authored on 12/16/2022 - 11:17
Kategorie aktualności

The first pilot Workshop for Active Use of Technology (PAKT) in Poland was opened at Lodz University of Technology on Wednesday (14 December). It will be a place to host educational workshops for children, young people and adults, based on problem-based, project-based work and the three leading STEAM pathways: robotics, programming and multimedia.

dr hab. inż. Bartłomiej Stasiak, prof. PŁ w z dyplomem w konkursie "Dziecięcy szpital przyszłości"
Authored on 12/12/2022 - 21:31
Kategorie aktualności

A computer game during functional magnetic resonance imaging, developed at the Institute of Information Technology at the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics at TUL, won in the "Transformation Partner/Solution Provider" category. This was the 25th edition of the competition organised by the K.I.D.S. Foundation - 'Children's Hospital of the Future'.

Kamil Lubiński, IDS
Authored on 12/08/2022 - 08:20
Kategorie aktualności

Advertising makes the trade go round, but emotions are at the beginning of the purchasing decision. They play a key role before the consumer decides to pay for a product. The advertising industry tries to exploit this by influencing our choices. Kamil Lubinski, M.Sc., from the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, investigates nostalgic brand image management in the toy industry.

Studenci Wydziału Chemicznego w laboratorium, fot. arch. PŁ
Authored on 11/30/2022 - 08:05
Kategorie aktualności

A new second-cycle field of study is being created at Lodz University of Technology in response to the demands of an increasingly demanding labour market, in industries based on modern functional materials, numerous in the Lodz region

Rektorzy łodzkich uczelni publicznych podpisali porozumienie o zacieśnieniu współpracy
Authored on 11/30/2022 - 08:01
Kategorie aktualności

- We are convinced that the diversity of Lodz public universities shaped over decades, strengthened by the multicultural traditions of Lodz, is not in contradiction, but is the strongest foundation of the unity that we intend to build together as part of the Lodz Academic Partnership (ŁPA) - this is a fragment of the declaration signed (29.11) by the rectors of Lodz public universities at the University of Music.

Adam \owczarek z PŁ odbiera dyplom z rąk prezydent Łodzi Hanny Zdanowskiej
Authored on 11/19/2022 - 14:43
Kategorie aktualności

Yesterday (15.11), the results of the vote of the Lodz Citizens' Budget 2022/2023 were announced. The project "Green campus - garden on Skorupki", submitted by employees and students of Lodz University of Technology, received 886 votes, which ensured it took first place in the Stare Polesie housing estate and implementation in 2023.

The Rector, Prof Krzysztof Jóźwik, and the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof Łukasz Albrecht, met with coordinators (3.11) of new international research projects being implemented at TUL,
Authored on 11/15/2022 - 09:04
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology is successfully applying for funds under the European Commission's international research programmes. In the new budget perspective for 2021-2027, 44 applications have been submitted so far, of which 10 projects have been awarded funding and 8 more are awaiting evaluation.

Nauka movie A. Czylkowska i P. Szymański
Authored on 11/10/2022 - 08:11
Kategorie aktualności

The number of oncological patients is growing every year, and as a result, the need to develop effective anti-cancer drugs is increasing. A team of scientists from Lodz University of Technology, Medical Universities of Lodz and Lublin and the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz are responding to this challenge. They designed, synthesized, and thoroughly studied the physicochemical and biological properties of two new compounds with potential anti-cancer effects. dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Czylkowska, TUL prof. and prof. dr hab. n. farm. Paweł Szymański.

Czterostronne porozumienie podpisano w EC1, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 11/04/2022 - 09:05
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology, the City of Lodz, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Poland and the Danfoss company signed (3.11) an agreement on cooperation to improve energy efficiency in the building industry in Lodz.

Authored on 10/28/2022 - 22:00
Kategorie aktualności

Thanks to the cooperation of TUL engineers, doctors from the Institute of the Polish Mother’s Health Centre and employees of Netrix S.A., the medical underwear project was created. This solution will allow a non-invasive, and therefore painless, diagnosis of children's urinary tract.