prof. Grażyna Leszczyńska w białym fartuchu przy aparaturze chemicznej.
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The appearance of pathogenic nucleosides in mitochondrial RNA molecules can cause severe dysfunction of mitochondria, which are the energy centres of our cells. Their damage gives rise to symptoms of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and Leber hereditary neuropathy of the optic nerve (LHON). Researchers at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology, under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Grazyna Leszczynska, are looking to identify the cause of these dysfunctions at the molecular level.

prof. Katarzyna Pernal i doktorant z grupy prof. Libora Veisa - Mikulas Matousek na tle klastra obliczeniowego w Instytucie Fizyki PŁ, fot. Jacek Szabela
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New computational tools based on the DMRG (density matrix renormalization group) method will be created at the Institute of Physics of Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with scientists from the Czech Academy of Sciences, within the framework of the OPUS LAP project funded by the National Science Centre and the Czech Science Foundation.

prof. Halina Abramczyk w Laboratorium laserowej spektroskopii molekularnej w MITR PŁ.
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This is the question Professor Halina Abramczyk of the Interdepartmental Institute of Radiation Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology is seeking to answer. The National Science Centre has awarded her nearly PLN 1.5 million for research into the recognition of cell signals in cancer.

Zdjęcie poglądowe: czwórka studentów siedzą przy stole
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After the first stage of admissions to Lodz University of Technology, there are still available places for first-cycle studies: full-time (740 places) and part-time (55 places). Documents can be submitted until 14 September.

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Three important projects carried out by researchers from Lodz University of Technology will be funded by the National Science Centre from the OPUS 22 and OPUS LAP programmes. The total amount of funding is over 4 million PLN.

Niebieskie logo organizacji EIT na białym tle.
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Thanks to the implementation of the Interdisciplinary HEI Entrepreneurship Fostering Program (InterHEI), Lodz University of Technology has joined another initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology community, now in the area of food - EIT Food.

Prof. Volodymyr Mosorov from the Institute of Applied Computer Science.
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Lodz University of Technology is the leader of an EU project from the LIFE Programme to support activities for nature and climate protection and energy transition. The project, coordinated by Professor Volodymyr Mosorov of the Institute of Applied Computer Science at Lodz University of Technology, will be carried out by several European universities, with the support of a Dutch technology company and a Greek research organisation dedicated to promoting disruptive social and business innovations. The budget for the joint tasks is close to €1.5 million.

Podpisanie umowy na termomoernizację budynków
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On Friday (12 August), Vice-President of the Management Board - National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), Artur Michalski, and the Vice-Rector for Education at TUL, Professor Andrzej Romanowski, signed an agreement to subsidise the thermomodernization of TUL buildings.

Zamknięcie EUG2022; przekazanie flagi Europejskiej Federacji Sportu Akademickiego organizatorom igrzysk na Węgrzech; fot. Michał Walusza
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During the two weeks of the European Universities Games, athletes from 37 European countries represented more than 400 universities. In the overall classification, Lodz University of Technology came third, while universities from Poland secured the top spot on the podium.

Zdjęcie poglądowe: studenci PŁ podczas zajęć na PŁ.
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As part of the project "Teaching excellence of universities", the Minister of Education and Science has granted Lodz University of Technology almost PLN 615,000 for the improvement of staff competences and quality of education.

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The summer school in Spanish Vigo, which was attended by 20 students of Lodz University of Technology, University of Lodz, Estonian University of Tartu, Spanish University of Vigo and a group of academics, ended on July 15. Its aim was to prepare zones for active mental relaxation at partner universities using virtual reality technology.

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Lodz University of Technology implements 7 projects in the Horizon Europe program, including 3 as a coordinator. - We received information about this third coordination of the project on July 5, so the pool of money allocated to us has increased even more. The budget allocated to the university for their implementation is a total of almost EUR 2.7 million - informs Prof. Łukasz Albrecht, Vice-Rector for Science.