Dr Jacek Stańdo, Professor at the University of Lodz, photo: private archives
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Dr Jacek Stańdo, Professor at Lodz University of Technology's Centre for Mathematics and Physics Education, has been awarded the Ambassador of Innovation award by the European Centre for the Development of the Economy. The mathematician was recognised for his outstanding involvement in numerous projects aimed at developing innovation in Poland, as well as forward-thinking, out-of-the-box thinking and new solutions.

prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, rektor PŁ i prof. Radzisław Kordek, rektor UMed, fot. Jacek Szabela
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The competition for the Award of His Magnificence the Rector of Lodz University of Technology and His Magnificence the Rector of the Medical University of Lodz for the best interuniversity scientific publication in 2022 has been decided.

Uroczyste otwarcie nowej Strefy Rosswoju na Wydziale OiZ PŁ, fot. Jacek Szabela
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The Faculty of Organisation and Management (OiZ) at Lodz University of Technology has added a new activity zone. Together with the Rossmann company, the Development Zone (Strefa Rosswoju) for students was officially opened on 4 April in the OiZ building (221 Wólczańska Street).

 Na zdjęciu z gali laureatka z PŁ wraz z prorektorem ds. nauki prof. Łukaszem Albrechtem
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During the gala event of the 13th edition of the LEADER Programme, young researchers received grants awarded to them in the competition, in the form of symbolic cheques. A researcher from the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering at Lodz University of Technology, Lucyna Bilińska, Ph.D., received a cheque for PLN 1.5 million.

Dąb Fabrykant - pomnik przyrody w Parku Klepacza
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On the first day of the calendar spring (21.03), the winners of the European Tree of the Year 2023 contest were announced. The first place went to the oak Fabrykant with 45,718 votes of internet users cast in favour of the tree which grows in Klepacz Park on the campus of Lodz University of Technology.

Winner of the first edition of the E2TOP programme
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Wiktoria Gerlicz, a student of biotechnology at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences at Lodz University of Technology, won the Rector's Award of Lodz University of Technology in the first edition of the programme for exceptionally talented students - E2TOP.

Emilia Brancewicz-Steinmetz, doktorantka z PŁ, laureatka konkursu Perły Nauki, fot. Jacek Szabela
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The winner of the first edition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's Pearls of Science competition was Emilia Brancewicz-Steinmetz, a doctoral candidate at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at TUL.

prof. Poniszewska-Marańda, PŁ
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Will the same washing powder bought in Poland and Germany wash the same amount of stains? Researchers carrying out the Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Product Quality and Safety System (SALUS) project will help answer this question. The work is led by Assoc. Prof. Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda, at TUL.

Steer Your Future with IDS - Kacper Kubicki
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Artificial intelligence is a tool that offers almost unlimited possibilities. It is as much an opportunity for development as it is a threat, as Kacper Kubicki, M.Sc., says. He is pursuing his doctoral thesis in the discipline of information and communication technology.