photo created by -
Authored on 10/26/2021 - 09:46
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology in cooperation with the IT company LTC sp z o.o. has undertaken a project related to cyber security. The aim is to protect data that are processed by applications running in the cloud.

Article written by Ewa Chojnacka

Seed potato cultivation: under laboratory (1) and field (2) conditions
Authored on 10/22/2021 - 10:29
Kategorie aktualności

Potatoes are the most common vegetable grown on large acreages in the countryside and in kitchen gardens. Unfortunately, they are very susceptible to diseases, which can cause an average loss of up to 20 percent of the crop. This problem is being tackled by a team of scientists from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences.

Authored on 10/21/2021 - 09:14
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology has received funding of EUR 1,164,770 (over PLN 5 million) to implement 4 international projects in the Erasmus+ programme. They concern the development of innovative educational activities, including a significant use of virtual reality and ICT techniques.

Article written by Dorota Kamińska, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems

A Bite of Culture at TUL, 11-12 October 2021
Authored on 10/19/2021 - 15:19
Kategorie aktualności

For the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, TUL has managed to organize an event that integrated the international academic community of our university.

Workshop participants
Authored on 10/19/2021 - 10:06
Kategorie aktualności

Can an international team of designers from different fields, who have never met before, create ideas and produce a prototype of a new product in a fortnight? It turns out that they can. Two new products promoting Lodz were presented at the Pop'n'art gallery. They were created by a workshop team working under the Erasmus+ project "Project - Product - Promotion. International Collective for Design" project, which worked intensively at the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design at TUL.

  • Article written by Katarzyna Zimna, Institute of Architecture of Textiles
Prof. Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka w białym fartuchu przy urządzeniu laboratoryjnym.
Authored on 10/14/2021 - 13:13
Kategorie aktualności

An interdisciplinary team of researchers led by Prof. Magdalena Długosz-Lisiecka, an expert in radiation chemistry and nuclear physicist, has discovered new properties of fossils. Paleobiologist Dr. Daniel Tyborowski from the Museum of the Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw also took part in the pioneering discovery, where - during a press conference - the scientists spoke about their research. The author writes about the breakthrough results in the material prepared especially for Życie Uczelni.

Prestigious award for a TUL chemist
Authored on 10/11/2021 - 08:50
Kategorie aktualności

Prof. Joanna Kałużna-Czaplińska from Lodz University of Technology is this year's winner of the Prof. Andrzej Waksmundzki Medal. This is the highest distinction awarded by the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It is awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in chromatography, a field considered to be the most important method of analysis of organic compounds.

  • Article written by Ewa Chojnacka
Zdjęcie auli z boku: po lewej stronie Rektor PŁ w todze stoi przy mównicy, po prawej stronie rzędy krzeseł.
Authored on 10/04/2021 - 16:02
Kategorie aktualności

Rector Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik began his speech with a short description of the first year of his term in office.
- At every stage of my journey, from the development of the programme to the implementation of the adopted objectives, I have been accompanied by the slogan "Together for a better future". The beginning of my term in office coincided with the coronavirus pandemic, in which the word "together" took on a special meaning. (...)

Masters of didactics in front of the IFE building
Authored on 09/30/2021 - 13:23
Kategorie aktualności

The Lodz University of Technology received another grant from the Ministry of Education and Science. We will carry out a project involving conducting personalized classes for talented and outstanding students of the Lodz University of Technology. A tutoring model will be used for this purpose.

  • Article written by Alina Wujcik, International Cooperation Centre
A student testing the AR application
Authored on 09/28/2021 - 09:36
Kategorie aktualności

A summer school organized under the ATOMIC Erasmus + project took place at the Technical University in Šibenik in mid-September. Students and PhD students from Poland, Portugal, Estonia and Croatia were trained in VR / AR application usability testing.

  • Article written by Dorota Kamińska, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems

Uroczyste przecięci wstęgi przed budynkiem Alchemium - magia chemii jutra. Od prawej strony stoją: prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Grzegorz Schreiber, marszałek Województwa Łódzkiego, Hanna Zdanowska, prezydent Miasta Łodzi, prof. Sławomir Wiak, prof. Małgorzata Szynkowska-Jóźwik i przedstawiciel Budimexu, którzy trzymają w dłoniach fragmenty przeciętej wstęgi.
Authored on 09/22/2021 - 15:12
Kategorie aktualności

"Alchemium-magic of the chemistry of tomorrow" is a modern complex of buildings for the Faculty of Chemistry at Lodz University of Technology. The first building was officially opened with the participation of distinguished guests from the world of science and business, as well as MPs and representatives of local authorities.