prof. Marcin Koniorczyk z PŁ, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 03/14/2023 - 15:33
Kategorie aktualności

The President of the Republic of Poland, in his decision from the 14th of February, granted the title of professor of engineering sciences in the discipline of civil engineering and transportation to Marcin Koniorczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc., from the Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering at Lodz University of Technology.

prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak z PŁ, fot. Jerzy Wojewoda
Authored on 02/24/2023 - 15:25
Kategorie aktualności

This is the second time the University of Wroclaw will award the Heisig Prize, also known as ‘the Polish Nobel’, to outstanding scientists. The Senate of Lodz University of Technology passed a resolution to endorse prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak's (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) nomination for the award.

dr inż. Joanna Grzelczyk z PŁ, prowadziła badania nad kawą, fot. MIchał Łepecki
Authored on 02/23/2023 - 15:18
Kategorie aktualności

Dr inż. Joanna Grzelczyk of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Lodz University of Technology, with a grant from the National Science Center (NCN), conducted research on the health-promoting compounds in green and roasted coffee beans. The results are very interesting.

Studenci Wydziału Chemicznego w laboratorium, fot. arch. PŁ
Authored on 02/23/2023 - 15:10
Kategorie aktualności

Three international certificates: Chemistry Bachelor, Chemistry Euromaster and Chemical Technology Euromaster have been awarded to two fields of study conducted at the Faculty of Chemistry: chemistry (first and second cycle) and chemical technology (second cycle). This is the result of positive accreditation of both fields of study by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN), which was granted for a maximum period of six years, until 2028.

Prof. Marcin Kamiński z PŁ, laureat nagrody MEiN, fot. PŁ
Authored on 02/22/2023 - 08:04
Kategorie aktualności

On Polish Science Day, observed on February 19, the Minister of Education and Science presented awards to outstanding scientists and research groups. Professor Marcin Kaminski of Lodz University of Technology is among the 45 individuals presented with the award for their contribution to science.

Władze i studenci PŁ podczas zbiórki pieniędzy w Manufakturze, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 02/13/2023 - 07:57
Kategorie aktualności

The total sum of all forms of fundraising conducted by the GOCC headquarters at Lodz University of Technology was a great success for the organizers and volunteers. This year, a record 506,000 zlotys were collected, almost 200,000 zlotys more than the previous year.

grafika poglądowa: wyniki ewaluacji
Authored on 01/18/2023 - 22:12
Kategorie aktualności

We have learnt the final results of the evaluation of the 12 scientific disciplines pursued at Lodz University of Technology, evaluated for the activities carried out in 2017 - 2021. Lodz University of Technology holds three A+ ratings, six A ratings and three B+ ratings in scientific categories.

Aula na Wydziale EEIA, gdzie studiował dr Uznański
Authored on 01/17/2023 - 08:29
Kategorie aktualności

Many people had been waiting for this meeting since the media reported at the end of November (23.11) that Dr Sławosz Uznański, a graduate of Lodz University of Technology , had become a reserve astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA). The auditorium where the meeting was scheduled at TUL was filled to its full capacity.