Head in the right direction


As many as 63 fields of study at 9 faculties - only #TUL offers such a wide range of possibilities in the region. For the candidates it is a guarantee of choice, which will allow them to combine future work with their own passions! Our students, using the technical knowledge and high competence of our staff, co-create innovative technologies that improve the quality of life in society on a daily basis.

Study Internationally

For more than 25 years we have offered studies conducted in English and French at the International Faculty of Engineering (IFE), currently at 12 and 7 second cycle fields of study. Students have the opportunity to go to one of more than 400 foreign universities within the framework of international agreements, as well as to obtain a double diploma - #TUL and selected foreign university. With #TUL you will learn about the latest technologies and scientific achievements from different parts of the world.

Learn from future employers

By choosing Lodz University of Technology, you can be sure that you will gain skills sought after on the job market. One of our priorities when creating study programmes is to adapt them to employers’ needs.

#TUL direct contact with companies for which it educates future employees.

Our graduates are sought after and readily employed not only in Poland but also abroad.

Develop your creativity

Studying at #TUL means actively discovering the secrets of science under the guidance of professionals. Flipped education, i.e. reverse education, Problem Based Learning, tutoring, case teaching or blended learning - these are just some of the teaching methods used during classes. At Lodz University of Technology, we change the teaching into creative exploration and complement it with the ability to solve problems creatively.

Reach your full potential!

Get to know us better by visiting our amazing campus in the heart of the city of Lodz. It is spread on 37 hectares where you can find modern laboratories, historic palaces, a park, a sports center and student dormitories where each student can count on accommodation.