Adam Niziołek and dr. inż. arch. Aneta Tomczak.
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Adam Niziołek, who recently graduated from TUL with a first degree in Architecture, received two awards for his thesis on The Evolution of space: Narutowicza Street in Łódź (Ewolucja przestrzeni na przykładzie ulicy Narutowicza w Łodzi). The thesis was supervised by dr. inż. arch. Aneta Tomczak. Adam Niziołek is currently pursuing a second degree in Architecture also at Lodz University of Technology.

Written by dr inż. Aneta Tomczak, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning TUL

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The Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) was held in Łódź. It was organized by the Łódź Academic Partnership. The proceedings were held at the University of Lodz on the first day, while Lodz University of Technology was the host of the second day.

Dr. Jacek Gwizdka, Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin
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The latest Hot Topics in Science and Technology series featured dr. Jacek Gwizdka, Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, who delivered a lecture Neuro-physiological evidence as a basis for understanding human-information interaction. In an interview for Życie Uczelni, the researcher talks about his professional career trajectory and the research he does.

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W najbliższy weekend Politechnikę Łódzką opanują młodzi mistrzowie informatyki. W sobotę o godzinie 12:00 rozpocznie się finał rozgrywany w ramach projektu Centrum Mistrzostwa Informatycznego.
Gościem honorowym uroczystości otwarcia będzie wiceminister edukacji i nauki Tomasz Rzymkowski. Zmaganiom uzdolnionych uczniów będzie też kibicował i gratulował sukcesów prorektor ds. kształcenia prof. PŁ Andrzej Romanowski.

Artykuł prof. Jolany Prywer na stronie "Science"
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Biogenic crystals are crystals that grow inside or under the influence of living organisms. Their forms are very diverse and the process of their growth is extremely complex. Understanding how they are formed, what role they play in living organisms and what physical properties they have will open the way for us to use them in various applications, e.g. medicine or even in the fight against the effects of climate change.

Written by Rafał Ledzion, Institute of Physics