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Adam Niziołek, who recently graduated from TUL with a first degree in Architecture, received two awards for his thesis on The Evolution of space: Narutowicza Street in Łódź (Ewolucja przestrzeni na przykładzie ulicy Narutowicza w Łodzi). The thesis was supervised by dr. inż. arch. Aneta Tomczak. Adam Niziołek is currently pursuing a second degree in Architecture also at Lodz University of Technology.

Written by dr inż. Aneta Tomczak, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning TUL


The presentation of award statuettes in the 50th edition of the Ministry of Development and Technology competition for the best theses, doctoral dissertations, and publications in the fields of architecture and civil engineering, planning, zoning, and housing took place on October 11, 2023 at the offices of the Ministry of Development and Technology in Warsaw. Whereas the gala closing the Marshal of Łódzkie Voivodeship awards competition for the best dissertations and theses thematically related to the Łódzkie Voivodeship was held in the hall of the Sejmik of the Łódzkie Voivodeship on November 16.

The award-winning thesis is a complete and complex project tackling the scales from urban to public space planning. It presents an urban and architectural design of the quarters located along Narutowicza Street in Łódź, while taking into account three scales of the urban structure. The three-tier nature of the design serves to illustrate a number of transformations and demonstrates that architecture necessarily arises from the context of the place and that the location should be part of a structured and methodical approach to thinking about the city.

Apart from interesting spatial arrangement ideas, the thesis is also notable for the highly thorough and careful approach to research. The evolution of the space discussed in the work allows you to learn about and understand the current spatial form of the studied part of the city, which is quite valuable as addition of new developments may take advantage of the insights provided therein. The work is also distinguished by its extensive scope as nearly 200 years of transformation of a significant part of the Central European industrial city, namely Łódź, were analyzed.